Mining workers in Ankara protested against privatization.
A demonstration was organized by the TES-İŞ and MADEN-İş unions, affiliated with the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (Türk-İş), against the privatization of the Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant and mining areas in the Nallıhan district of Ankara. The Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant and …
A protest was held by the TES-İŞ and MADEN-İş unions, affiliated with the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (Türk-İş), against the privatization of the Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant and mining sites in the Nallıhan district of Ankara.
Employees of the Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant and mining operations expressed their opposition to the privatization of the thermal power plant and mining sites through a march they held in the region. MADEN-İŞ Union President Nurettin Akçul stated in his remarks that they gathered to explain what the decision to privatize the Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant and mining sites, which are critical for the Turkish economy and mining sector, would cost and to put an end to the sale. Akçul said, “This mining operation has been operating under the reliable hand of the state for many years. Thousands of people make a living from these operations. Hundreds of mining workers have contributed their labor to every stone of the mine, every piece of coal. This mine is also a common wealth of our country; it belongs to our people. However, today there is an attempt to lock the door of this mine under the name of privatization. Let me state clearly, this is not privatization; it is asset sales. It means selling the future of our country. It means playing with the bread of workers and every person living in this region.”
“After the sale, they may lay off workers”
Akçul stated that there is no clause regarding the acquired rights of miners in the tender specifications, saying, “We do not know the exact content, but it is evident that privatization will harm both the miner and the local people’s interests. Tomorrow, after this sale, they may disregard workers’ rights to reduce costs, lay off workers, and reduce the number of existing workers. In other words, they may ignore the labor of the worker. This situation eliminates job security for employees while also threatening the local economy. In privatized enterprises, worker wages decrease, social rights diminish, leading to a decline in the living standards of the local people. So, this is not just a problem for miners and workers; it is a problem for Çayırhan, Nallıhan, Beypazarı, Ankara, and Turkey.”
“People in Çayırhan, Nallıhan, and Beypazarı will have to face the consequences of this loss”
Akçul pointed out that the Çayırhan coal operations are invaluable for the Turkish economy and represent a place where firsts have been achieved, stating, “This is a school that sets an example for Turkish mining. The qualified personnel trained here make significant contributions to the operation of the sector by transferring to other mines in our country. For this reason, it is necessary to remind how important Çayırhan is on a national level. We absolutely do not accept the disregard for such a success story. The bureaucracy of the privatization administration is leaving our worker brothers in uncertainty, disregarding our rights and future. The decline in the miner’s income is not only an economic loss for the local people but also means a decrease in the earnings of tradesmen. People living in places like Çayırhan, Nallıhan, and Beypazarı will have to face the consequences of this loss.”
Akçul emphasized that privatization decisions should not be taken without considering public interest, and that the decision should be withdrawn before it is too late.
TES-İŞ President İrfan Kabaloğlu also stated that the residents of Nallıhan, Çayırhan, and Beypazarı should support this action alongside the mining operation and thermal power plant workers. Kabaloğlu noted that many developed countries are trying to nationalize various sectors, emphasizing that energy and mining operations in Turkey should not be privatized.