If the villagers do not take action by December 31, they will lose their land.
The condition for building on the plots sold through tender under the Law No. 3367 to those in need who are registered in the village population but do not have a house will expire on December 31. Villagers who want the deadline to be extended have called on Minister Murat Kurum…

The condition for building on the lands sold through auction under Law No. 3367 for those in need who are registered in the village and do not have a house will end on December 31. Villagers requesting an extension of this period called on Minister Murat Kurum.
The titles of the lands belonging to the rightful owners who do not construct a residence on their lands by this deadline will be automatically deferred to the municipalities they are affiliated with. Villagers stated that the deadline for constructing buildings on the lands offered for sale through auction under Law No. 3367 will end at the end of this year and requested an extension of the given period. The villagers, addressing the Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Murat Kurum, said, “Our crops are already left in the field. We cannot pay our debts. On top of all this, we now face the risk of losing the lands we barely purchased. Our wish is to extend the given period.”
Tayfun Kırgöz, the President of the Agricultural Development Cooperative of Ormankadı in the Mustafakemalpaşa district of Bursa, stated, “Almost 300 rightful owners in the villages connected to Mustafakemalpaşa district are at risk of losing their lands. If we consider the entire country, we see that thousands of people are in the same situation. The villager’s crops remained in the field this year and unfortunately did not bring any profit. Now, on one hand, our farmers are trying to pay off the debts from the expenses of their crops, and on the other hand, they are facing the risk of losing the lands they barely obtained. We are waiting for good news from the ministry that the given period has been extended. Otherwise, our farmers, who have already had a disastrous year, will unfortunately lose the lands they acquired to build a house.”
Yasin Peker, a farmer residing in Kumkadı Village connected to Mustafakemalpaşa, stated, “This year, our crops remained in the field. We are looking for ways to cover many of our debts, from fuel to seedlings, fertilizers, and labor costs. The rights of the villagers who could not build houses on their lands during this process should not be taken away. We request the extension of the deadline that will end at the end of the year.”