The pearl of Erzincan, Kemaliye, hosts 10 times its population in visitors.

One of the most impressive places in Turkey, the Kemaliye district of Erzincan hosts ten times its population in visitors every summer with its stunning views, historic streets, and adrenaline-filled outdoor sports. The pearl of Erzincan …

The pearl of Erzincan, Kemaliye, hosts 10 times its population in visitors.
Publish: 25.10.2024

One of the most impressive places in Turkey, the Kemaliye district of Erzincan hosts ten times its population in visitors every summer with its breathtaking views, history-filled streets, and adrenaline-packed outdoor sports.

The jewel of Erzincan, the Kemaliye district, offers its visitors a rich historical and cultural experience dating back to the 3000s BC.

In the district, the zipline set up in the Dark Canyon and the 7-kilometer stone road with 38 tunnels provide adventure enthusiasts with unforgettable moments with their sharp turns and cliffs.

Known for adrenaline-filled outdoor sports, motor enthusiasts drive on the stone road of the district while many sporting activities such as rafting, canoeing, water skiing, and ziplining are also carried out in the dark canyon.

Located 194 kilometers away from Erzincan, bordered by Tunceli to the east, Sivas to the west, and Malatya and Elazığ to the south, Kemaliye experiences a surge of visitors especially in the summer months. The district, which has a population of 5,000, attracts nearly 50,000 tourists during the summer, both domestic and foreign.

Kemaliye, which is part of the Cittaslow network meaning ‘slow city’, is recognized as a must-see place in Erzincan with its Dark Canyon, which is among the top 5 deepest canyons in the world; the Stone Road, which is categorized under ‘Dangerous Roads’ and is naturally beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, carved through hard rocks; and Dilli Valley, located 4-5 kilometers away from the district center, which contains significant information regarding Turkish cultural history, along with many other natural beauties.

On the other hand, in the autumn months, the district transforms into a different beauty with its colorful hues. Citizens flock to the district to witness the beauty of autumn reflected in Kemaliye and to immortalize the mesmerizing views that form.

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