The army is enlivened by science: 693 events will be held in 99 workshops.
The opening of the event titled “We Walk with Science in the Footsteps of Our Yunus” was held as part of the science festivals organized in the Ünye district of Ordu. The event, hosted by the Ünye District Directorate of National Education, took place at the Republic Square…

The opening of the event “We Walk with Science in the Footsteps of Our Yunus,” organized as part of the science festivals in the Ünye district of Ordu, has been held.
Hosted by the Ünye District National Education Directorate, the events will feature 693 scientific activities in 99 workshops set up at stands in the Republic Square. The stands, which were also visited by students, showcased robotic coding projects, as well as works that won first place at TEKNOFEST, attracting a lot of interest. The workshops, which cater to primary, secondary, and high school levels as well as general age groups, will offer fun and educational experiences for three days.
Speaking at the program, Ünye District Governor Ayhan Işık emphasized the importance of scientific and technological endeavors for future goals. Governor Işık stated, “We need to pay more attention to science and incorporate it more into our daily lives in order to achieve our future goals. Increasing the number of such practices that provide our students with a positive perspective on science and scientists, while also contributing to the development of their scientific thinking skills, is one of our primary objectives.”
“The attack on TUSAŞ is an attack on our science and technology”
Mentioning the terrorist attack on TUSAŞ’s campus in the Kahramankazan district of Ankara, Ünye Mayor Hüseyin Tavlı highlighted the importance of science, saying, “Because the place where the treacherous attack took place is TUSAŞ, a strong representative of scientific and technological endeavors, it is an attack on our science and technology. From this perspective, it makes us happy as a local government to organize science festivals in Ünye together with our stakeholders today.”
Ünye District National Education Director Özgür Tokgöz noted that the three-day event will include 99 workshops and 693 activities that cater to all students from preschool to high school.
After the speeches, the opening of the science festivals was held. Ünye District Governor Ayhan Işık, Ünye Mayor Hüseyin Tavlı, Ordu Provincial National Education Director Mehmet Fatih Vargeloğlu, and Ünye District National Education Director Özgür Tokgöz visited all the stands one by one to gather information about the projects on display.