The Deputy Mayor of Kuşadası, Suvari, accuses the Chairman of the Municipality Workers’ Union Aydın Branch, Yaman, of being a ‘provocateur’.
Kuşadası Deputy Mayor Seyfi Seyhan Suvari made a press statement following a meeting held by the Union of Municipal Workers Aydın Branch President Hidayet Yaman with workers at the Municipality’s Construction Works Site. Union President Hidayet Yaman’s perception …

Kuşadası Deputy Mayor Seyfi Seyhan Suvari made a press statement after a meeting held by the President of the Municipal Workers’ Union Aydın Branch, Hidayet Yaman, with workers at the Municipal Technical Works Construction Site. Accusing Union President Hidayet Yaman of engaging in a perception operation and setting a trap, Suvari stated, “If you are so close to the workers, why, as a union, haven’t you prepared and presented a solidarity package to support your workers, even for a month? What duties have you fulfilled as the union president? Stop being a provocateur.”
Stating that the Kuşadası Municipality, under the leadership of Ömer Günel, has achieved exemplary social municipal successes in Turkey and will continue to do so, Deputy Mayor Seyfi Seyhan Suvari began his statement by saying, “Our colleagues who work with all their might will overcome these difficult days together in the shortest time possible.” He continued, “On Tuesday morning, the contracted union president of our municipality organized a provocative meeting by gathering the workers at the Technical Works Construction Site without notifying any municipal officials or representatives. He recorded the meeting as well. With his statements, he incited our employees against our President Ömer Günel. Although he tries to portray the meeting as innocent, the documents prepared in advance and distributed for signatures are evidence of how the provocative meeting was organized. We want to ask the union president, who prepared such a provocative setup regarding the delayed payment of workers’ salaries in recent months: Are you living in outer space? Are you not aware of the situation in the country?”
In his statement, Suvari directed questions to Municipal Workers’ Union Aydın Branch President Hidayet Yaman: “Who or whose instructions are you following to organize such a meeting and create an environment for vulgar insults against the mayor of this city? Just two months ago, were you not the one asking for support in the president’s office with your team during the union contract process, waiting at his door, practically begging for a picture? What changed that you are gathering workers and provoking without anyone’s knowledge?” Suvari continued, “If you are so close to the workers, why, as a union, haven’t you prepared and presented a solidarity package to support your workers, even for a month? What duties have you fulfilled as the union president? When will you fulfill the rights of the position you occupy through politics? Is there a delay only in payments in municipalities today?” accusing Union President Yaman of being a provocateur.