Pay attention to hair loss before the winter months

In the cold winter months, wearing beanies and hats can cause more damage to hair, and experts emphasize the importance of ventilating and caring for hair roots against hair loss. While cold weather is affecting the Eastern Anatolia region during the night hours, experts…

Pay attention to hair loss before the winter months
Publish: 17.10.2024

In the cold winter months, wearing hats and beanies can cause more damage to hair, and experts emphasize the importance of ventilating hair roots and care to prevent hair loss.

As cold weather affects the Eastern Anatolia region during the night hours, experts highlighted the importance of hair care before the remaining winter months. Accessories like hats and beanies are significant for protection against the cold, but keeping them on the head for a long time can harm hair roots and hair. For these reasons, hair loss can reach serious rates during winter months, and experts stress the importance of hair care in cold weather.

“Increased during seasonal transitions”

Experts stated that hair dries out and becomes deprived of moisture: “Hair loss is something that is genetic, caused by hormonal imbalances and vitamin deficiencies. Of course, these increase significantly during seasonal transitions. Among the reasons are wearing beanies, hair drying, damage, and people not taking care of their hair. Normally, if a person loses 50% of their hair, this rate can reach 80% during seasonal transitions. This is mainly due to the hair being dry and lacking moisture. Hair has a ‘pH’ level, which indicates its acidity. According to the pH scale, this number should be between 4.5 and 5.5. When this rate rises to between 7.5 and 8.5, hair is subjected to damage and breakage. To prevent this rate from rising so much, keratin care, keratin botox treatment, and moisture care can be applied, and these issues can be prevented. Citizens can also cause damage and breakage to their hair by wearing beanies during seasonal transitions. Our people think that cutting hair and washing it is hair care. Actually, that is not the case. Just as we feel hungry three times a day, our hair also gets hungry. There are many aspects like protein care, moisture care, and washing. Generally, citizens can face issues in this regard because they use shampoos with sulfates, silicones, and parabens at home. Usually, every shampoo contains sulfate and paraben, which leads to hair dryness. When our citizens use sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoos, they can ensure that their hair dries less and can reduce hair loss.

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