Bayburt Social Security Provincial Director Nejat Deniz: “Do not work informally, do not employ informally.”
Bayburt Social Security Provincial Director Nejat Deniz made statements regarding the ‘Struggle Against Unregistered Employment’. Deniz emphasized that combating unregistered employment, which is among the most significant problems of the country, is part of the efforts carried out by the Social Security Institution each year …

Bayburt Social Security Provincial Director Nejat Deniz made statements about ‘Combating Unregistered Employment’. Deniz stated that the Social Security Institution carries out activities for guidance and information purposes every year as part of the fight against unregistered employment, which is one of the country’s most important issues.
In significant statements regarding the subject, Deniz noted that unregistered employment refers to situations where employees are not reported to the Social Security Institution at all, or their working days or wages are reported inaccurately, emphasizing that underreporting of working hours or paid wages is also considered unregistered employment.
Deniz indicated that having employees work with insurance is a constitutional right and a necessity for both employees and employers, saying, “In other words, employers do not have the right to employ their workers without insurance, nor do employees have the right to desire to work without insurance.”
Speaking under the motto “Do not work unregistered, do not employ unregistered workers,” Deniz continued his statements: “When an unregistered worker has insufficient insurance days, the condition for a monthly pension does not arise. If they become unable to work, they cannot benefit from disability pensions. If they pass away, their surviving spouse and children cannot benefit from death pension rights. They cannot benefit from unemployment insurance. They may have to pay general health insurance premiums themselves. They will be deprived of notice and severance pay and cannot benefit from rights such as annual leave, weekly leave, and maternity leave.”
Employees can check whether their work has been reported by employers or what income level they have been reported at by using their e-government password at They can also call the ALO 170 Labor and Social Security Communication Center, which is available 24/7. If employees suspect that they are being employed without insurance or that their wages or working hours have been reported inaccurately, they can submit their notifications and complaints to ALO 170, the Social Security Provincial Directorate/Social Security Center, or through CIMER, which is the Presidential Communication Center.
As a result of inspections and findings, employers employing unregistered workers will face high administrative fines. Additionally, premiums related to these activities will be collected along with late fees and interest. The insurance premium incentives that these workplaces benefit from will be suspended. They may become ineligible for benefits such as incentives, grants, and credit advantages.
In conclusion, it should not be forgotten that unregistered employment brings many disadvantages to both employers and employees, and it causes unfair competition, leading to a decrease in the general economy, a decline in SGK revenues, and a disruption in income distribution. You should definitely not work unregistered and not employ unregistered workers.