The National Intelligence Academy has started its educational activities.

The National Intelligence Academy began its educational life with the inaugural lecture given by the President of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT), Ibrahim Kalın. It was announced that the National Intelligence Academy was opened on January 10, 2024. The educational activities at the academy officially started today.

The National Intelligence Academy has started its educational activities.
Publish: 16.09.2024

The National Intelligence Academy began its educational life with the first lesson given by the President of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT), Ibrahim Kalın.
On January 10, 2024, the opening of the National Intelligence Academy was announced. Today, academic life officially started at the Academy. The first lesson was given by MIT President Ibrahim Kalın. Kalın emphasized the importance of having a say in the theory and methodology of intelligence on a global scale, pointing to the significance of producing concepts and creating literature in the field of intelligence and the mission of the Academy. Stating that they have embarked on a new journey for Turkey and the world, Kalın said, “In this journey, the National Intelligence Academy will combine theory and practice, conceptual thinking and application, produce our own set of concepts and open new horizons for us.”
Kalın continued his speech as follows:
“The National Intelligence Academy aims to contribute to the establishment and development of intelligence as a scientific field in Turkey by conducting postgraduate education and scientific research activities in the fields of intelligence, security, and strategy. Studies that will bring together theory and practice in intelligence studies will train field experts in areas where Turkey needs them and will pave the way for new fields of study.”
Stating that the Academy is also open to international students, MIT President Ibrahim Kalın pointed out that a multidimensional and multi-axis conception of the world is gaining strength. He mentioned that the Academy would focus on the knowledge set that will prepare Turkey and the region for this new world while also providing training opportunities in certain areas of expertise to public institutions. Kalın emphasized that analysts would be trained for reporting by conducting pioneering programs in areas such as artificial intelligence and data analytics, cybersecurity and cryptology, satellite and space technologies, which are rapidly changing with new technologies in the intelligence and security ecosystem. Noting the low number of individuals working directly in the field of intelligence despite Turkey’s many employees in international relations, politics, and strategy, MIT President Kalın expressed that the studies to be carried out by the National Intelligence Academy would help fill this gap. He stated that the Academy would ensure the establishment of a strategic understanding that guides change and transformations in the face of developments worldwide by closely following global developments in the field of intelligence, and that it would create a qualified intelligence community that is open to interaction with the world in Turkey. Kalın said, “Studies to be conducted in line with the ‘Turkey axis’ will contribute to our Academy and our country acquiring new opportunities and capabilities in the field of intelligence and security.”

In the first year, 2 master’s programs were launched
The National Intelligence Academy aims to train human resources that will contribute to Turkey’s strategic vision, conduct scientific research and publications in the field of intelligence and security, and create an intelligence community in Turkey. In this context, the education process started today. In its first year, the Academy launched two master’s programs: Intelligence Studies and Security Studies. Thirty-three students who graduated from departments such as international relations, history, law, political science, psychology, and engineering and passed the Academy’s examination and evaluation process were admitted to the two master’s programs. Students participating in the Intelligence Studies program are expected to gain competence in the theory and methodology of intelligence studies, as well as to specialize in topics such as intelligence history, strategic intelligence, the transformation of the international system, terrorism and radicalization, grand strategy, critical thinking, and analytical writing. In the Security Studies program, the goal is to train experts who have the capacity to understand, analyze, and develop new methods in the context of the changing global system and new threat perceptions.
In addition to the Intelligence Studies and Security Studies programs, work continues for the launch of new master’s and doctoral programs in the future. Programs such as Area Studies, Strategy Studies, Intelligence History, Intelligence Law, Strategic Communication, as well as master’s and doctoral programs in fields such as Cybersecurity, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Cryptology under the umbrella of Engineering and Natural Sciences are also anticipated.

Current analyses, research reports, and academic workshops
In addition to its postgraduate education activities, the National Intelligence Academy continues to publish current analyses and research reports on issues related to intelligence and security. Scientific research and reporting studies will also be conducted in areas such as the Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Africa, which Turkey considers strategically important. The National Intelligence Academy will organize workshops on strategic issues by bringing together experts and academics working in relevant fields in Turkey, as well as its own academic staff. In this context, it is aimed that experts and academics working in the field of intelligence and security in Turkey come together to interact and thus create a new intelligence community. In addition to its educational and research activities, the Academy is also creating certification programs within the framework of Turkey’s priority needs. Different groups such as public employees outside the Academy, students, professionals, and private sector employees can participate in these certification programs.

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