Bilal Erdoğan: “This immoral man named Fatih Altaylı was licking the soldiers’ boots.”

Bilal Erdoğan, who met with young people in Kocaeli, said, “This immoral man called Fatih Altaylı was licking the boots of soldiers. When the soldiers said ‘Get up’, he would get up, and when they said ‘Lie down’, he would lie down. Right now, if someone says ‘Lie down’, he will lie down, ‘Get up’…

Bilal Erdoğan: “This immoral man named Fatih Altaylı was licking the soldiers’ boots.”
Publish: 15.09.2024

Bilal Erdoğan, who met with young people in Kocaeli, stated, “This immoral man named Fatih Altaylı used to lick the soldiers’ boots. When the soldiers said ‘Get up,’ he got up; when they said ‘Lie down,’ he lay down. Right now, someone else will lie down when told to, and will get up when told to, but they roam around as journalists, watching videos. Let them tell about the 90s. Let them say, ‘We were terrified of the soldiers.’ Let them say, ‘We were slaves to the tutelage, we were dogs.’ Go ahead and say it.”

Bilal Erdoğan, President of the World Ethnosport Confederation, attended the “Human Rights Education Camp” organized by the Human Rights Department of the AK Party Headquarters in Kartepe, Kocaeli, and chatted with the youth.

“They are creating a public opinion that there is a dormitory problem in Turkey”
Erdoğan, who made statements about technology and artificial intelligence, said, “In the past, many people were sitting in front of computers. We used to call them ‘trolls,’ but now they don’t even need to employ that many trolls. Because artificial intelligence can automatically create profiles with certain words. There are people in every faction in Turkey working on this, but the one who always wins is the one who owns the medium. In our sterile information acquisition environment, they are trying to create the realities of Turkey, disconnected from the realities of the world. What is this? They say, ‘There is a dormitory problem in Turkey.’ They are creating a public opinion that there is a dormitory problem in Turkey. You would think that these problems have been solved in developed countries of the world, and such a problem exists in Turkey. If you do a little more research and look at the numbers, you will see that the dormitory facilities provided by the state in Turkey do not exist anywhere else in the world.”

“America is a country without a welfare state understanding”
Bilal Erdoğan, stating that he lived in America for 10 years and in Italy for 5 years, said, “I had the opportunity to know other countries because we collaborate with other universities. The monthly dormitory fee, including meals, is 855 liras. Including meals. We hold a meal tender at our university. We try to do it at the lowest price. We received a bid of 160 liras for a meal, and those who heard said, ‘Very good.’ When one meal costs 160, if you eat one meal a day for 30 days, it costs 4,800 liras. There is no breakfast. If you add breakfast on top of that, it would be 5-6 thousand liras. The state provides 855 liras monthly dormitory services, including meals. America is a country without a welfare state. There is nothing like this in America. In America, the state provides credit opportunities for students. We have scholarships and loans.”

“A devastating event occurs, the public is occupied for a month”
President of the World Ethnosport Confederation Bilal Erdoğan continued his remarks as follows: “Many topics you learn at the camp are actually rights granted to the disabled that many people do not know about, the transportation of patients by plane from abroad, the opportunities provided to children without parents in the health sector, and so on. This is carried out in great secrecy to prevent these children from being abused. A devastating event occurs, the public is occupied for a month. This issue is being done just to hit the government, to undermine the foundation of trust in the country, to serve people’s unrest and anxiety. A public opinion is being created trying to say, ‘Children are being killed in this country, people are being raped.’ This is an alternative reality hostile to this country.”

“What the media and opposition in Turkey pump is insecurity”
Stating that “We have a very irresponsible media,” Bilal Erdoğan gave examples from Korean dramas, saying, “Korean dramas promote hard work, family values, and respect for elders. What do our series convey to the viewer? Immorality, intrigue, no respect for elders, deception, and getting rich easily. Can such a thing be? How do we accept this? How can we fight this? When the state tries to do something, it becomes censorious. When America bans TikTok, it’s not seen as censorious, but when the Turkish state intervenes with series, it is labeled as ‘religious, bigoted, censorious.’ Open our televisions, news channels. I don’t watch news, I don’t watch TV because it’s useless. Who did what to whom, who robbed whom, where did the car crash? Does anyone benefit from this? Imagine a child accidentally watching abuse news on the TV screen. Is this normal? These are our real issues. These are national security issues. These are what pour gasoline on the bottom of a society, dynamiting all its healthy foundations. Right now, what the media is pumping in Turkey is insecurity, and what the opposition is pumping is insecurity. ‘We are finished, we are sunk, we are so bad, we are this bad. Everything is bad here, other places are good,’ is this true or not?” he stated.

“EYT was a great disaster”
Bilal Erdoğan also made a statement regarding the regulations regarding those affected by the retirement age (EYT), saying, “They did this with EYT. Those propagating EYT told the youth, ‘EYT will come out, a lot of people will retire. Young people will enter the job fields vacated by them.’ Did such a thing happen? Did they deceive the youth? Yes, they did. The youth did not create a public opinion against EYT. Think about the things related to the unemployed on social media right now. Have you seen a hashtag that says ‘Young people are against EYT’? The youth missed this, they were deceived here. By the way, I also became eligible for EYT, despite being against it. Those who are 42-45 years old retired. Who will pay their salaries? You will pay. You will pay the salaries of early retirees throughout your working life. Were we deceived? Yes, we were deceived. EYT was a great disaster. With this dirty understanding of opposition, and the pressure of populism in politics, these became possible. If EYT is bad, if it is wrong, there must be a generation that can say it is wrong. That 43-year-old retiree will receive that salary until he dies. Let’s think of something better, let’s propose an alternative to it.”

“Is living without working, living off the land and water the best life?”
Stating, “Why do we find promoting less work instead of more work?” Erdoğan asked, “Is living without working, living off the land and water the best life? Question this. Not a wasted life, but a useful life. We need to live a life that is worked for, produced, and adds something to our surroundings and our country. These are the things that make a person feel valuable. The richest people in the world eventually hit a wall. They say, ‘What did I spend my life chasing?’ These are real. Either they go astray or they fall into depression within the meaninglessness of their lives,” he said.

“The forest below is Bilal Erdoğan’s”
After his speech, Bilal Erdoğan answered questions from the youth. When asked, “What is it like to be the son of a world leader?” Erdoğan responded: “There are difficulties. Of course, you see by living. For example, in some countries of the world, the families of strong leaders have serious economic influence, and this can be considered normal there. We have something like this. People automatically believe when they hear something. ‘The forest below belongs to Bilal Erdoğan.’ Would you believe something like that if you heard it? This is the biggest difficulty, friends. So how did I get used to living with this? ‘People see the other as being like themselves,’ the elders said. Believers might think, ‘If it were me, it would be mine. If I were Tayyip Erdoğan’s son, it would be mine.’ I think this is the biggest difficulty. On the other hand, there’s another difficulty; I’m telling you here, I have my own concerns, I’m trying to reflect them, but if I could motivate 1-2 people among you, I would feel happy. My influence in Turkey is limited. When Bilal Erdoğan says something, it is thought that there is a political side to what he says.”

“The crime rates of refugees in Turkey are lower than those of our own citizens in terms of crime types”
Bilal Erdoğan stated, “As an economist, I say this. Normally, countries economically gain from refugees in the medium term. If you manage it well, you will gain. You do not undermine the sense of justice. Additionally, they are associated with crime. This is a huge irresponsibility and immorality. Absolutely, the crime rates of refugees in Turkey, in terms of crime types, are lower than those of our own citizens. How can a refugee dare to commit a crime? They will be deported immediately, sent back to their country. This is the case all over the world. Unregistered people try not to commit crimes, try not to fall under the police’s radar because if they do, they will be sent back, but there is a shameless group that insists on ‘Let’s find something from somewhere to stir things up. Let’s make the people fight each other, let’s ensure that these go, and those outside don’t come.’ They do this at the expense of harming the country. They do it for politics, to increase their votes from 1% to 2%.”

“He used to lick the soldiers’ boots”
Criticizing Fatih Altaylı, Erdoğan said, “They say, ‘Before the AK Party, Turkey was more peaceful, prosperous, just, more like this, more like that. We have been ruined for 20 years.’ This is a betrayal the world has never seen in history. Such a lack of conscience cannot be. Friends, this immoral man named Fatih Altaylı used to lick the soldiers’ boots. When the soldiers said ‘Get up,’ he got up; when they said ‘Lie down,’ he lay down. Right now, someone else will lie down when told to, and will get up when told to, but they roam around as journalists, watching videos. Let them tell about the 90s. Let them say, ‘We were terrified of the soldiers.’ Let them say, ‘We were slaves to the tutelage, we were dogs.’ Go ahead and say it. Turkey is freer than ever before, friends. Turkey is stronger than ever before, a country that makes its own decisions. A country that has claims on a global scale,” he said.

“This is also a wound in my heart”
Erdoğan concluded his remarks by saying, “This is also a wound in my heart. Seeing that these men are still being watched, shamelessly and without shame, labeling our girls in headscarves as ‘prostitutes.’ These so-called civilized liberals of Turkey supported Tayyip Erdoğan until the rights of Muslims in Turkey came into question. When it came to the headscarf, imam hatip issue, they separated. ‘The AK Party has entered dictatorship.’ When it suits you, it’s about rights and law; when it doesn’t suit you, when it comes to the rights of pious, oppressed people, ‘We are not there.’ There are exceptions; I keep them separate. There are conscientious exceptions among liberals, but the liberals in Turkey have left Muslims alone in their struggles for rights. Tayyip Erdoğan has fought for the rights of all segments in Turkey alone.

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