President Erdoğan: “We will take every step necessary to hold accountable those who heinously kill an innocent child.”

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, at the opening program of the Mawlid al-Nabi Week, regarding the murder of Narin Güran, stated, “Those who cowardly murdered an innocent child must be held accountable in court, and every drop of blood they shed will be made to pay for it…”

President Erdoğan: “We will take every step necessary to hold accountable those who heinously kill an innocent child.”
Publish: 14.09.2024

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, speaking at the opening program of the Mevlid-i Nebi Week regarding the murder of Narin Güran, stated, “We will take every necessary step to ensure that those who cowardly murdered an innocent child are held accountable before the judiciary, and that every drop of blood they have shed is made to pay for it.” President Erdoğan also expressed, “We will definitely hold those responsible for the treachery in Tekirdağ accountable before justice, and we will fight to ensure that those who tortured this baby receive the heaviest punishments.”

“We will once again grasp the secret of being one, of unity”

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke at the opening program of the Mevlid-i Nebi Week in Istanbul. President Erdoğan stated, “I hope that this beautiful night will lead to the salvation of all the oppressed struggling with death, hunger, tyranny, and oppressors in various corners of the world, especially the oppressed in Gaza. Our Prophet is the best example with every moment of his life, his words, and his struggle. The only person we take as an example in our worldly life, whom we follow, and dedicate our lives to is our Prophet Muhammad. He is our guide, our leader, and the one we would give our lives for. With programs organized under the leadership of our Presidency of Religious Affairs, we will rejuvenate our hearts, which are weary, oppressed, and suffocated under the concerns of worldly life, with the love of our Prophet. We will once again grasp the secret of being one, of unity.”

“Ideological bigotry has reached alarming levels recently”

President Erdoğan remarked, “When individuals are moral and compassionate, there is peace, security, and prosperity in society. If individuals deteriorate, families deteriorate, and if families decay, society rots, and if society rots, the state rots. As a nation, we have faced a multifaceted siege for the last two centuries. For years, they have recklessly attacked the bastion of faith of this nation. They did this by closing our mosques and turning them into stables at one point. They silenced our calls to prayer from our minarets at another point. This ideological bigotry has recently reached such alarming levels that they have begun to target Friday sermons and the verses read during those sermons. Someone who is ignorant emerges, claiming to speak on behalf of the opposition party of this country, and makes judgments on subjects they know nothing about. While doing this, they hide their ignorance behind Gazi Mustafa Kemal. They use him as a shield and exploit him for their impertinence.”

“We will take every necessary step to hold accountable those who cowardly murdered an innocent child”

President Erdoğan stated, “The same ideological fanaticism is also present in the brutal murder of our dear child Narin, which has burned the hearts of all 85 million of us. Some have resorted to every means from the very first moment of the incident to turn this murder into an instrument of polarization. However, there is a brutal murder at hand. There is a fire that falls like a coal into the hearts of everyone who has a heart. Yet some can sink so low as to politicize the funeral of a child snatched from life at the age of 8. Those extensions of the separatist terrorist organization that have shed the blood of hundreds of children over 40 years, mercilessly killing thousands of our citizens regardless of police, soldiers, civilians, women, elderly, or babies, dare to give the nation a lesson in conscience without looking in the mirror. We will take every necessary step to ensure that those who cowardly murdered an innocent child are held accountable before the judiciary, and that every drop of blood they have shed is made to pay for it. We will definitely hold those responsible for the treachery in Tekirdağ accountable before justice, and we will fight to ensure that those who tortured this baby receive the heaviest punishments. We will not allow the extensions of the separatist organization and marginal groups to atone for their sins through these disgraceful events, nor will we let them target the institution of family, which is the backbone of society. We are going through days where we ask ourselves where humanity is drifting, where this path is leading us. Virtues like modesty, compassion, and mercy are being somewhat pulled away from daily life. Deviants like LGBT are being encouraged more than ever before. We need the wise words of our beloved Prophet and his guiding light more than ever. We need to better understand each other and establish empathy. As a nation, we need to elevate solidarity further and strengthen love more. We need to hold on more tightly to the ancient values that make us who we are. As Muslims, we are obliged not to lose hope in Allah.

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