The message of Aydın Governor Canbolat on “Mevlid Kandili”

Aydın Governor Yakup Canbolat released a message on the occasion of Mevlid Kandili. In his message, Governor Canbolat stated, “The timeless and universal message of Islam, which has reached us, is a blessing, mercy, and a symbol of good morals for humanity, as a mercy to the worlds…”

The message of Aydın Governor Canbolat on “Mevlid Kandili”
Publish: 13.09.2024

Aydın Governor Yakup Canbolat issued a message on the occasion of Mevlid Kandili. In his message, Governor Canbolat stated, “We are experiencing the peace and happiness of observing the ‘Mevlid Kandili’, which marks the anniversary of the arrival of our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V), who delivered the timeless and universal message of Islam to us, a symbol of grace, mercy, and beautiful morality, sent as a mercy to the worlds. Mevlid Kandili is the focus of all the beauties that make a person human, a renewal opportunity where we comprehend the values he presented to humanity—humanity and compassion, fairness and justice, generosity and benevolence—and beautify our lives with his noble morals. I wish that this blessed night, the birthday of our esteemed Prophet, who is a symbol of brotherhood, love, mercy, and compassion, brings health, peace, happiness, and enlightenment to all humanity, especially to the poor, orphans, the abandoned, the oppressed, and all created beings. In the long history of humanity spanning thousands of years, our beloved Prophet Muhammad Aleyhisselam, who proclaimed the religion of peace, Islam, has been the last in the line of prophets. As expressed in the verses of Necip Fazıl, ‘You are the sacred goal; the target of your love that comes from the Truth! You are the highest rank; the status of being the Beloved of Allah! You are the most beautiful person; the most beautiful of the beautiful human beings!’ He was the best of people, the trustworthy Muhammad-ül Emin, who was the embodiment of truth selected by Allah among people, a role model embracing all humanity with his beautiful morals, vast tolerance, justice, mercy, and humility. On the anniversary of the arrival of that Supreme Prophet, who provides exemplary messages to all humanity through his words, sayings, morals, and distinguished lifestyle, we should participate in activities to refresh our dulling sensitivities. We should see this blessed night as an opportunity to question ourselves and benefit from Allah’s infinite mercy and evaluate it in the best way. “Your existence is enough for the world, hearts unite with your name!” I hope that Mevlid Kandili will enable us to properly commemorate our Prophet and understand the sacred messages he intended to deliver to humanity. With these feelings and thoughts, I wish that the feelings of solidarity and cooperation existing within our people are experienced in the best way on this night when the doors of mercy are wide open, congratulating the citizens of Aydın and the entire Islamic world on Mevlid Kandili, hoping that the principles of Islam, laden with mercy, beautify our age, and I wholeheartedly celebrate the Mevlid Kandili of all our citizens.

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