AK Party Deputy Chairman Uygur: “We owe this nation a new, civilian, and participatory constitution by getting rid of the constitution of the guardianship.”

AK Party Deputy Chairman and Civil Society and Public Relations President, MYK Member Belgin Uygur stated that they owe this nation a new, civil, and participatory constitution. This was said during the event organized by the AK Party Headquarters titled ‘Always Together for Kastamonu …’

AK Party Deputy Chairman Uygur: “We owe this nation a new, civilian, and participatory constitution by getting rid of the constitution of the guardianship.”
Publish: 12.09.2024

Belgin Uygur, Deputy Chairman of the AK Party and Head of Civil Society and Public Relations, stated that they owe this nation a new, civilian, and participatory constitution.

A meeting titled “Always Together for Kastamonu: From Our Essence to the Future of Turkey” was held by the AK Party Headquarters. Speaking at the meeting held in a wedding hall in Kastamonu, Uygur said, “Today we are in the city of saints, Kastamonu, as part of the ‘Turkey Meetings’ organized by the AK Party Headquarters, which encompasses all 81 provinces and districts of Turkey. I had not had the chance to come to Kastamonu before. But today, we have carried out intense programs in this city, where we feel the spiritual climate that preserves the historical texture of the city, and where the people and the hearts of its inhabitants are beautiful. Our members of parliament from different provinces were also present both in the center and in our 10 districts. All our MPs and MYK members have carried out programs together with our organization. We continued to engage with every single member of our nation as we did before. Inshallah, under the leadership of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, we will continue to be together with our nation.”

“The AK Party draws its strength from the nation”

Stating that the AK Party derives its strength from the nation, Uygur said, “We are a party established by the nation; we merely hung the sign. It is a party that charts its course according to the demands of the people. Our party, which places great importance on the concept of struggle and the culture of consultation, and never neglects consultation, is a political movement that always strives to be together with civil society representatives and every single member of our nation. In this direction, with the strong support of our nation, since the elections we entered on November 3, 2002, our nation has shown and continues to show its strong support for both our President and our party as well as the People’s Alliance.”

“We owe this nation a new, civilian, and participatory constitution by breaking free from the constitution of the guardians”

Uygur stated that they owe a new, civilian, and participatory constitution to the nation by breaking free from the constitution imposed by the guardians, saying, “In terms of rights and freedoms, as we have always expressed, the path we have taken since the February 28 process has not been thornless. By fighting against guardianship, with the closure case opened against our party, the 367 coup, e-memorandums, the Gezi incidents, the December 17-25 judicial coup, and ultimately thwarting the treacherous coup attempt on July 15 that aimed at our homeland, nation, and independence, we have ended those days of guardianship. With our President’s declaration that ‘I have not recognized any will above the will of the nation until now,’ our nation has defended its own will, its elected government, its homeland, flag, and land, its future and independence. Inshallah, in the upcoming process, we owe this nation a new, civilian, and participatory constitution by breaking free from the constitution created by those coup plotters and juntas. We hope to realize that constitution with the broadest consensus. With our bag full of achievements in terms of rights and freedoms, in all areas, including our defense industry, health, transportation, national education, youth and sports, despite the pandemic we experienced, natural disasters, and the great earthquake that affected 11 of our provinces, and the flood disaster that deeply affected our Kastamonu, we have strongly provided all the resources of our state, institutions, and ministries to the service of our nation from the very first moment. Alongside our nation, we have continued to move forward with your support on May 14 and 28 with that strong support. We have always said that we hold the voice of the nation above our heads, and of course, we never close our ears to the message given to us by the nation. From the moment the will of the nation is reflected in the ballot box, whatever the will of the people requires, and whatever messages the nation has given us, we will read them in the most accurate way and, Inshallah, continue our path together with our nation in a strong manner.”

The meeting was attended by AK Party Kastamonu Members of Parliament Halil Uluay and Serap Ekmekci, AK Party Kastamonu Provincial Chairman Ahmet Sevgilioğlu, AK Party MYK Member Hülya Terzioğlu, and 20 AK Party members of parliament and representatives of civil society organizations from various provinces. The meeting continued behind closed doors.

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