The return migration to Hatay, where the wounds of the earthquake are being healed, has brought smiles to the faces of stationery shop owners.

In Hatay, where the wounds of the earthquake are being healed, the return migration has increased compared to last year, which has also raised the number of citizens doing school shopping. Stationer Mehmet Çin stated that his business is doing well due to the return migration to the city. The century’s …

The return migration to Hatay, where the wounds of the earthquake are being healed, has brought smiles to the faces of stationery shop owners.
Publish: 08.09.2024

In Hatay, where the wounds of the earthquake are being healed, the increase in return migration compared to last year has also increased the number of citizens shopping for school supplies. Stationer Mehmet Çin stated that his business is doing well due to the return migration to the city.

After the disaster of the century, citizens who were affected and faced a shortage of housing had to migrate from Hatay. With the delivery of homes to the displaced citizens and the increase in the number of containers, reverse migration began in the city. Following the dedicated and coordinated efforts of the Hatay Governorship, families returned to their hometowns with peace of mind before the school season, as educational institutions were put into service. Mehmet Çin, whose business was destroyed in the earthquake, has been meeting the school needs of students for 15 years through his stationery business. Earlier this year, he opened a new store in the Çekmece neighborhood of the Defne district and started earning by selling stationery products. Çin noted that there was no significant change in prices compared to last year, stating that due to the return migration, the demand for stationery products has increased compared to the previous year.

“This year, due to the migration to the city, there is a high demand for stationery products.”

Mehmet Çin, who has been in the stationery business for 15 years, said, “We have a wide variety of products here. There are pens, notebooks, erasers, pastel paints, and watercolors. In addition, we have a toy group and accessories. Last year, our business was not active here because it was destroyed in the earthquake. This year, we opened this store to hold on to life again. Notebooks range from 15 TL to 60 TL. The prices of bags start from 300 TL and go up to 1,500 TL. Kindergarten bags range from 150 TL to 400 TL. This year, due to the migration to the city, there is a high demand for stationery products, which makes us happy. There isn’t much variability in prices compared to last year.”

Belgin Aygün, who is shopping for the school needs of her five children, said, “I have five children. I came to buy their school supplies. Last year, we didn’t have many schools and stationery in the earthquake zone. That’s why we couldn’t find our needs. Now, our schools are being renovated, and everything has been fixed. The number of stationery shops has increased. We can find our school supplies. With many stationery shops, we feel relieved. We can buy our children’s wishes and needs. I will buy everything from their pens, erasers, notebooks, and bags. We can purchase the necessities according to our budget.”

Birsen Parlakyıl, a student shopping for school supplies, stated, “It was better for all of us that the schools started nicely after the earthquake. Everything was over after the earthquake last year. It improved over time; there weren’t such nice places last year. I bought 4 notebooks from here, and now I will look at the pens. All of their prices are affordable.”

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