“Wild animals are harmless,” he said, just as he was attacked by the fox.

Nature photographer Ömer Melih Demirbaş, while feeding a fox by hand during an interview with an IHA reporter, was attacked by the fox right after saying, “Wild animals are harmless.” Living in the Kızılcahamam district of Ankara, the nature…

“Wild animals are harmless,” he said, just as he was attacked by the fox.
Publish: 07.09.2024

Nature photographer Ömer Melih Demirbaş, while feeding a fox by hand, was attacked by the fox right after saying, “Wild animals are harmless” during an interview with an IHA reporter.

Ömer Melih Demirbaş, a nature photographer living in the Kızılcahamam district of Ankara, takes photographs that carry traces of wildlife in the forests at different points in the city. Three months ago, he established a bond with a fox that approached him while he was picnicking with his family in Kızılcahamam. For three months, Demirbaş has been bringing chicken liver to the spot where he encounters the fox every two days, feeding it by hand.

In a statement to the IHA reporter, Demirbaş said, “I have been feeding this fox for 3 months. I met it at a beautiful moment. It came to us while we were having a picnic, and we gave it something. After that, I gave it a name and came back the next day. Then I kept coming back. We formed a bond. It comes when I call it. I feed it chicken liver. I try to come every two days.”

“A bond formed from heart to heart”
Demirbaş emphasized the bond he established with the fox, stating, “From here, we created a bond with the fox to show the whole world how precious and beautiful it is to love and be loved. I continuously come here to understand and listen to the fox, the life in nature, and the animals. Even though we cannot speak and understand each other in language, a bond has formed from heart to heart.”

He was attacked by the fox just after saying, “Wild animals are harmless”
Meanwhile, during the interview with the IHA reporter, Demirbaş used the phrase, “Animals in the wild are actually harmless animals as long as you are not a threat to them,” and was then attacked by the approaching fox. The fox tried to bite and pull Demirbaş’s shirt. However, he managed to remain calm at that moment.

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