The President of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, Erbaş, attended inaugurations in Yalova.

The President of Religious Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş, inaugurated the mufti’s office, mosque, and a boarding Quran course in Yalova. President Erbaş visited Yalova to attend a series of inaugurations. He first visited the Yalova Governorship…

The President of the Directorate of Religious Affairs, Erbaş, attended inaugurations in Yalova.
Publish: 06.09.2024

The President of Religious Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş, inaugurated the new muftiate, mosque, and Quran course with boarding facilities in Yalova.

President of Religious Affairs Ali Erbaş visited Yalova to attend a series of inaugurations. Erbaş first visited the Yalova Governor’s Office. He then participated in the opening of the Çiftlikköy Mufti Service Building, where he stated in his speech, “I tell all our teachers, muftis, imams, preachers, and all the teachers working in the Directorate of Religious Affairs that ‘We are the heirs of the Prophet.’ Just as the prophets communicated certain matters to their communities, we invite our societies to goodness and to stay away from evil, following the path left by them. In other words, we invite them to the way of our Lord. Just as we are the heirs of our Prophet and the prophets, our mufti offices are also the heirs of the Prophet Muhammad’s management of the affairs of the Mescid al-Nabawi. Today, there are 1,003 branches of the Prophet Muhammad’s Mescid al-Nabawi in our country. With the religious services we manage from our 1,003 mufti offices, from our 90,000 mosques and 30,000 Quran courses; I am only referring to the services within the Directorate of Religious Affairs. We work day and night to call to the truth, to command goodness, and to prohibit evil,” he said.

Afterward, Prof. Dr. Erbaş cut the opening ribbon of the Çiftlikköy District Mufti Service Building, along with Governor Hülya Kaya and the provincial protocol.

Erbaş then attended the opening of the Hz. Ali Mosque. After delivering a sermon and leading the Friday prayer at the mosque, Erbaş cut the opening ribbon. He stated, “It is always known that mosques are the ornaments of our cities. Mosques are places where the name of Allah is always mentioned and where the declarations that form the foundation of our religion, ‘I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger,’ resonate throughout the earth. Our minarets are our greatest symbols. Therefore, today we have added one more mosque to our 90,000 mosques in the country.”

Subsequently, Erbaş attended the opening of the Vasfiye Turna Quran Course for Female Students. In his speech here, he noted that there are nearly 100,000 schools in Turkey, stating, “All the children studying in these schools are Muslim children. We need to develop their awareness of the afterlife. It is very important for us to achieve happiness in our society.”

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