The Mediterranean Municipal Council authorized President Sarıyıldız to sell 2 properties.
The Mediterranean Municipal Council, with a majority vote, has authorized Mayor Hoşyar Sarıyıldız for the possible sale of 2 properties belonging to the municipality in order to alleviate the debt and interest burden from previous periods and to ensure that services and projects continue without interruption.

The Akdeniz Municipal Council granted authority to Mayor Hoşyar Sarıyıldız by a majority vote for the potential sale of 2 real estate properties owned by the municipality in order to alleviate the debt and interest burden carried over from previous periods and to ensure that services and projects continue without interruption.
The second meeting of the Akdeniz Municipal Council in September was held under the chairmanship of Mayor Hoşyar Sarıyıldız. In the assembly, it was decided by majority vote to authorize Sarıyıldız to sell 2 properties owned by the municipality in order to generate resources and alleviate the debt burden due to the municipality’s debt and interest load, as well as to prevent possible seizure attempts.
Support will be provided to students who have been accepted into universities and to the İçel Art Club.
In the meeting, it was unanimously accepted to provide financial support to Akdeniz students who have been accepted into 2 and 4-year university programs. The meeting also approved by majority vote the allocation of 10,000 TL in financial support for the Archaeology Days and Mythology Days to be organized by the İçel Art Club in September and October. During the meeting, a commission decision regarding vehicle leasing tenders to be conducted by the Support Services and Environmental Protection and Control Directorates was also unanimously accepted, due to the expiration of tenders conducted in previous years, in order to ensure that services can be carried out quickly and efficiently in the new term.
“We wish we had 850 million TL receivables in the treasury, not debts.”
Responding to criticisms regarding the authority granted to him for the sale of 2 real estate properties owned by the municipality, Sarıyıldız said, “We have repeated this many times, but let’s say it again. Our aim is not to act with the understanding of ‘the majority vote is ours, what we say goes,’ which disregards the will of our council members. On the contrary, it is an effort to convince each other and develop common sense. Here, the opinions of all groups were taken, and solution proposals were evaluated. We did not bring this issue to the agenda in the first council meeting. Today is the fifth meeting of our council, and months have passed since then. During this time, don’t think that we sat idly by. We searched for ways to pay these debts and made applications for the satisfaction of creditors. But we saw that under every stone we turned, there was a substantial amount of debt. We are not struggling for artificial polemics. We do not intend to have such an agenda. However, if our council members enter into an understanding that ‘the new administration seems eager to sell the properties of Akdeniz Municipality,’ we would object to that. The sale of the properties saddens us all. However, facing a debt of 857 million TL is a sad situation for all of us. We would have preferred to have 850 million TL in receivables in our treasury.”
“There will not be an immediate sale tomorrow, authority has only been granted.”
Stating that the municipality has other properties as well, Sarıyıldız said: “It is not correct to create the perception that the municipality has no other properties left and that all properties are being sold. Only the sale of 2 properties has come to the agenda, and only the authority for these is being obtained. These will not be sold immediately tomorrow. During this time, if our council members, the valuable people of Akdeniz, and the Mersin public have any solution proposals for us, we will certainly evaluate them. We also want these properties to be utilized in different ways for the benefit of our children and youth who will come after us.
However, if there is no other way or method, the insistence on this should not become an obstacle to the people of Akdeniz receiving services.”
After the members of the council expressed their suggestions and criticisms regarding the issue, the commission decision to grant authority to Mayor Hoşyar Sarıyıldız regarding the sale of the 2 properties was accepted by the majority vote of the members.