A certificate distribution ceremony was held at the TDV KAGEM Summer Academy.
The closing program and certificate distribution ceremony of the Summer Academy organized by the Turkey Diyanet Foundation (TDV) Women’s Family and Youth Center (KAGEM) was held. Serving within the Turkey Diyanet Foundation, it caters to every segment of society from 7 to 70…

The closing program and certificate distribution ceremony of the Summer Academy organized by the Turkey Diyanet Foundation (TDV) Women’s Family and Youth Center (KAGEM) was held.
The Women’s Family and Youth Center, which operates under the Turkey Diyanet Foundation and organizes academic, social, cultural, artistic, and scientific training and seminars for every segment of society from ages 7 to 70, experienced the excitement of certificate distribution at the Summer Academy. Students who completed the Summer Academy were entitled to receive certificates. The certificates were presented to the students by TDV General Manager Izani Turan.
In his speech, TDV General Manager Izani Turan said, “Do not postpone today’s work to tomorrow. Be very full. While serving as a mufti in the Alucra district of Giresun, the conditions we were raised in made us introverted and weakened our self-confidence, and the circumstances of that period suffocated us. Imagine that if there is no alcohol on our table, it is not considered a table, and if you don’t drink, you are not counted as a man. Sometimes I thought that those outside of us were unreachable people. I later realized that a faithful and believing person is not a one-winged bird but a two-winged person, and those on the other side are one-winged.”
“Insha’Allah, you will look at life more strongly”
Expressing that there is an atmosphere that embodies the Quran today, Turan stated:
“You are living in such a beautiful time period right now that every kind of opportunity is at your fingertips. There are very wide opportunities, thanks to Allah. There are institutions, foundations, and associations, but in the atmosphere we are experiencing, you have the power to act comfortably. In this time period, by combining night and day, we should be far ahead in knowledge, mind, thought, and contemplation, not in money, position, or rank; those will come naturally. When people talk with us, they should be able to feel overwhelmed. They should respect us, and this will happen through reading a lot, listening, gaining experience, and genuinely putting in effort. I enjoyed being together very much. Seeing the youth increases my energy as well. I believe that you have been energized by being here, and insha’Allah, you will look at life more strongly.