Cimin Üzümü: A Remedy for Diseases

The black grape known as ‘Cimin Grape’, which is grown in the district of Üzümlü (formerly known as Cimin) in Erzincan, has numerous health benefits. Experts recommend consuming both dried and fresh black grapes abundantly due to the iron they contain.

Cimin Üzümü: A Remedy for Diseases
Publish: 04.09.2024

The health benefits of the black grape known as ‘Cimin Üzümü’, grown in the Üzümlü district of Erzincan, formerly known as Cimin, are numerous.
Experts recommend consuming both the dried and fresh versions abundantly, stating that the iron content in black grapes serves as a remedy for various ailments.
Experts who express that black grapes are a reservoir of health from their seeds, skins, leaves, and dried forms state that the benefits of black grapes are countless. “Black grapes, which are good for everything from migraines to indigestion, iron deficiency to constipation, prevent the formation of cysts in the ovaries. Research has concluded that black grapes have a therapeutic effect on ovarian cysts, which can cause many problems in women, including menstrual irregularities, infertility, and miscarriages. Black grapes are one of the three varieties of grapes. Broadly speaking, the health benefits are similar, but certain characteristics set black grapes apart from others. Additionally, the taste of black grapes is slightly different from others; it is not sour. It significantly contributes to skin and hair health. Black grapes balance cholesterol levels and increase insulin sensitivity with the minerals and components they contain. Regular consumption of black grapes helps improve concentration, memory, and the ability to recall words and places. The vitamins and other nutrients in black grapes protect heart and vascular health. Regular consumption of black grapes reduces the risk of developing cancers, especially skin cancer, as well as colon, prostate, stomach, and intestinal cancers. Black grapes are also beneficial for the digestive system, making them one of the preferred foods for those looking to lose weight. Effective against fungal diseases, black grapes can alleviate infections and inflammations caused by bacteria as a strong antioxidant. Black grapes relieve constipation and indigestion and help maintain healthy acid levels in the stomach.
Like other grape varieties, black grapes contain nutrients necessary for protecting eye health and improving vision. They maintain hair and skin health, ensuring that hair remains healthy. They specifically protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.”
On the other hand, the harvest of Cimin Üzümü, which is grown in the Üzümlü district of Erzincan and has gained significant attention throughout Turkey, is ongoing. The price per kilogram ranges from 50 to 60 lira, and harvesting Cimin Üzümü is quite challenging. The harvest of Cimin Üzümü, renowned across Turkey for its unique color and taste found in the Üzümlü district, located about 15 kilometers from Erzincan, continues. Due to the harvest season that has started recently, there is increased activity in the vineyards. This year, approximately 8,000 tons of grapes are planned to be harvested from around 10,000 decares of land in the district. Registered as “Cimin Üzümü” in 2000, this product holds great importance for the economy of Erzincan and Üzümlü. Grapes grown at an altitude of about 2,500 meters, particularly in the vicinity of Pişkidağ Village, are exported to many provinces in Turkey, especially to the Black Sea Region and Eastern Anatolia. Producers are satisfied with the harvest period, which is expected to continue until the end of October.
“Production is carried out under difficult conditions”
The production of Cimin Üzümü, which has become a source of livelihood for hundreds of families in the district, brings along many challenges. The grapes, grown in vineyards on the slopes of mountains at around 2,500 meters elevation, require significant effort from producers for pruning, irrigation, and harvesting. The harvest in vineyards located at high altitudes is sometimes done using mules or donkeys. The grapes collected in crates in village centers are transported by trucks to cooperatives in the Üzümlü district. In the district center, the grapes are loaded onto trucks from the vehicles and sent to many parts of Turkey, mainly to the Black Sea region.

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