The water troubles of the neighborhood that supplies water to Trabzon

Residents in the neighborhood where the Atasu Dam, which meets Trabzon’s water needs, is located are experiencing water troubles. In the neighborhood where water is transported by tankers, the water flowing from the taps appears muddy, causing concern among the residents. Trabzon’s drinking water…

The water troubles of the neighborhood that supplies water to Trabzon
Publish: 02.09.2024

Citizens in the neighborhood where the Atasu Dam, which supplies Trabzon’s water needs, is located are suffering from water shortages. In the neighborhood where water is transported by tankers, the water flowing from the taps is causing anxiety among residents due to its muddy appearance.

In the Yeni Atasu neighborhood of Maçka district, where the Atasu Dam provides drinking water for Trabzon, citizens have been facing difficult days due to the ongoing water shortages for years. Due to the drinking water shortage experienced in part of the neighborhood, which has about 35 households, residents solve the issue by purchasing water from markets. The water transported daily by tankers to the water reservoir in the neighborhood does not meet the needs of the residents. The muddy appearance of the water that sometimes flows from the network line causes anxiety among the residents, and especially during the summer months, the increased population has led to a reaction from the locals regarding the water crisis.

Asuman Eyüpoğlu, one of the residents, stated that they cannot even drink a glass of water from the tap, saying, “We always have a water shortage. We haven’t received a drop of water for the last 15 days. The water that comes is muddy. Our dishes are piling up. We can’t find clean water. We can’t even drink a glass of water. When the water comes, it flows like mud. It’s like you’re drinking coffee. The dam is right next to us, but for some reason, we are suffering from a water shortage. A dam that feeds all of Trabzon cannot supply our neighborhood. We want them to find a solution to this issue.”

“They say the springs have dried up, we always hear this story”

Saim Eyüpoğlu, another resident, noted that the water shortage is due to the drying of the springs, stating, “Despite calling TİSKİ, temporary solutions are being made, but no permanent solutions are found. Water is delivered to the tank above by tankers. That water flows for a maximum of 2 hours. They say the springs have dried up. We always hear this story. It’s the same story every year. If the springs are dried up, the dam is below us. Alternative solutions are not being considered. The Esiroğlu treatment plant pumps water into the huge Mağmat gorge, but it cannot pump water to our neighborhood, which is 8 kilometers away. But they come to cut the water bill. There is a distance of 7-8 kilometers between our homes and the dam. If this dam feeds Trabzon, it should definitely feed us. It needs to pass through me to feed that place. We buy water from the grocery store. This place was a town municipality before becoming a metropolitan city. There has been a continuous water shortage since that time. It’s not a new problem.”

“Enough already, we’re fed up”

Gül Eyüpoğlu, who comes to her hometown for hazelnut harvesting in the summer, expressed that they are trying to operate the mill with transported water, saying, “We come here in the summer. Our water flows muddy every 15 days. We are suffering from thirst. This is the water they deem worthy for us. Even though we are in the countryside, we buy water. We wash our dishes with the water we collect from the gutters. We are trying to operate the mill with transported water. Enough already, we’re fed up. We want this water to flow.”

“They bring water with tankers, but it runs out before it reaches us”

Zehra Özbayrak, another resident, stated that they are trying to find a solution with a purification device, saying, “I have my kitchen counter and machines full at home. We take water from elsewhere and wash our hands. We can’t take showers or perform ablutions. We drink the water that pigs wash in. We are trying to find a solution with a purification device. We want a solution to this problem soon. We will not pay the water bill. They bring water with tankers. The water runs out before it reaches us.”

“The village that supplies water to Trabzon has no water”

Hamdi Güney Terzi, one of the residents who emphasized that he collects rainwater in a tank he set up himself, said, “I have been living here for about 10 years, but I regret coming here. There has been an ongoing problem here for 10 years. The water is cut off at 6 AM and comes back at 1 AM. We don’t even have drinking water. We come here with a water bottle. I made a tank to collect rainwater. We use the water in that tank for washing dishes and cleaning. Even when the water comes, it flows like mud. It looks like milky coffee. The village that supplies water to Trabzon has no water. They made us get a water meter. We spent so much money, and now we are left with this. Whether you use the water or not, you still get a bill. We had guests from Ankara, but because there is no water, they say they will leave. Water is a big problem. Water is health. There are about 35 households in this neighborhood. When water does not come to this neighborhood, no one gets water. Laundry is waiting. It’s hazelnut season, and you can’t take a shower or wash your face. What is important for us is water and roads. It’s a disgraceful situation. Those living here do not deserve this.

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