Fake honey negatively affects both health and the industry.
Selim Alpaydın, a traveling beekeeper from Kumru district of Ordu, stated that products sold cheaply under the name of honey in markets not only endanger human health but also negatively affect the beekeeping sector. Traveling beekeepers are most preferred …

Selim Alpaydın, a migratory beekeeper from Kumru district of Ordu, stated that products sold cheaply under the name of honey in markets not only endanger human health but also negatively affect the beekeeping sector.
Yozgat, which is among the most preferred provinces for migratory beekeepers, hosts many beekeepers. In the Bozok Plateau, which has hundreds of endemic plant species and a rich floral diversity, migratory beekeepers work hard to produce quality honey. Especially migratory beekeepers coming to Yozgat from Black Sea provinces like Ordu and Samsun strive to complete honey extraction and receive the rewards for their efforts. However, migratory beekeepers producing tons of organic honey are facing difficulties in marketing their products due to counterfeit honey produced under the counter in recent days. Fake honeys, which are preferred because they are cheap, not only harm human health but also render the efforts of beekeepers futile. Migratory beekeepers producing in Yozgat express that this situation is destroying the beekeeping sector and state that they will not be able to produce honey next year.
“No one knows the value of organic honey”
Selim Alpaydın, 57, who has been producing organic honey in Bozok Plateau for about 40 years and came to Yozgat from Kumru district of Ordu, claimed that human health is endangered by the cheap and counterfeit honeys produced in the market. Alpaydın said, “I am from Ordu, I have been a migratory beekeeper for 35-40 years. Unfortunately, there have been some reasons that are ending migratory beekeeping. We harvested our honey, but we have honey left because they sell cheap, artificial honey to the public. They produce this poison we call under-the-counter honey as honey. Because of them, migratory beekeeping and beekeeping in Turkey have come to an end. No matter how much organic honey we produce, we cannot get out of this job. On television, citizens order fake honey, poisons containing carcinogenic substances come to their homes. They sell this honey cheaply, we also sell organic honey cheaply, but unfortunately, no one knows the value of organic honey.”
“They sell poison instead of honey to citizens”
Alpaydın also mentioned that counterfeit honeys negatively affect human health, stating, “They make these fake honeys from waste products of sugar factories and substances like corn syrup, which is like baklava syrup, and sell poison to the citizens; they are making people cancerous. Production has become very difficult, our costs have increased, and we are struggling with staff shortages. Young people are not interested in these jobs. Previously, everyone used to do this job, but now they say there is no future in this job. Thus, beekeeping comes to an end. If beekeeping disappears, scientists are already explaining the end of the world. Beekeeping has ended in Turkey; please our authorities take action on this. Our products come out well, but unfortunately, these counterfeit honey producers and underground honey producers have destroyed this business. I did this job willingly, I quit my civil service, I was doing it with passion, but I am exhausted now. Most likely, this year will be the end; I will not produce anymore. Many friends from Ordu who think like me have decided to quit this job. We cannot cope with the costs; we cannot sell our honey at its value.”