Each motif carries a different meaning, those who enter this room are almost embarking on a journey through time.

The historic village room built on 7 juniper posts in the Altınyayla district of Sivas fascinates those who see it. Adem Özbudak, who lives in the Altınyayla district of Sivas, is trying to preserve the room known as ‘Mimsekili’ which has a history of 700 years…

Each motif carries a different meaning, those who enter this room are almost embarking on a journey through time.
Publish: 01.09.2024

The historical village room built on 7 juniper posts in the Altınyayla district of Sivas fascinates those who see it.

Adem Özbudak, who lives in the Altınyayla district of Sivas, is trying to keep alive the room known as ‘Mimsekili’, which has a history of 700 years. Özbudak, who decorates the room, also known as ‘Konuk Odası’ (Guest Room), with antique items, wants to pass on the ‘Mimsekili’ culture to future generations. The ‘Mimsekili’ village room, built on 7 juniper posts and consisting of 2 sections, contains many meanings as well. Each of the motifs carved by the masters on the 7 posts carries different meanings. The 4 corners representing the 4 seasons and the life line motifs are known to symbolize the hospitality of the people who lived at that time.

“As long as this building stands, you can be a guest as long as the world turns”
Adem Özbudak, who lives in the Kale neighborhood of Altınyayla district, said, “In the lands of Anatolia, there are mansions referred to as ‘Mimsekili’. These mansions are mostly built on 7 wooden posts with craftsmanship. In these types of mansions, there is a selamlık (men’s area) and a harem area known as the kızlar sekisi (girls’ section). When they were built back in the day, the masters worked the wood so beautifully and finely that anyone who wants to see can extract a thousand meanings from it. In times when there was no television or internet, people used to sit in these kinds of mansions all day long. The elders would talk about their conversations, knowledge, and experiences. These types of mansions have a history of 700 years. Since there was also wood craftsmanship during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods, these kinds of motifs can also be seen in palaces. Each master who made the posts of these mansions left their own signature. The masters made 4 corners representing the 4 seasons. It is symbolized on the life belt. There are carvings that contain the meaning that as long as this building stands, you can be a guest as long as the world turns. Of course, the master carved whatever was in his heart,” he said.

“This beauty is our past”
Özbudak, who decorates the room with historical items, said, “Every product in the room is a history on its own. There are items that are about 400 years old in this room. There are many products such as handmade wooden carved spoons, bowls, carpets, rug pillows, prayer beads, copper jugs, saddlebags, gas stoves, and gas lamps. Friends brought them, and I started to exhibit them in the room. Then this room emerged. This was the first mansion built in this region after a century. Our young people should not grow up distanced from their culture. Young people who enter here appreciate it very much and say it is beautiful. This beauty is our past. We are starting to lose this past now.”

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