The excitement of Victory Day was experienced in Denizli with Edip Akbayram.

Residents of Denizli who attended the concert organized by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality for the August 30 Victory Day witnessed magnificent moments. Tens of thousands of Denizli residents filled the square to capacity, enjoying an unforgettable holiday with the songs of master artist Edip Akbayram.

The excitement of Victory Day was experienced in Denizli with Edip Akbayram.
Publish: 31.08.2024

Denizli residents who attended the August 30 Victory Day concert organized by the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality witnessed magnificent moments. Tens of thousands of Denizli residents filled the square, experiencing an unforgettable holiday joy and excitement with the songs of master artist Edip Akbayram.

As part of the August 30 Victory Day celebrations, the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality organized a concert featuring master artist Edip Akbayram. Tens of thousands of Denizli residents gathered in front of the Denizli Metropolitan Municipality to fully enjoy the holiday excitement. The concert program was attended by Denizli Metropolitan Mayor Bülent Nuri Çavuşoğlu and his wife Nilgün Çavuşoğlu, Deputy Mayor Ali Marım, Merkezefendi Mayor Şeniz Doğan, district mayors, guests, and tens of thousands of citizens.

During the night, Edip Akbayram sang beautiful pieces for the Denizli residents, creating unforgettable moments for his fans with his powerful voice. The tens of thousands of citizens in the square joined in unison with the emotional and enthusiastic works of the famous artist. Thanking the crowd who did not leave him alone on this beautiful evening, Edip Akbayram said, “I greet the Denizli people and friends with the longing for a Turkey where there are no bandits, those who commit violence against women, child abusers, drug barons, cults and communities, and the scoundrels and dishonorable who insult the founder of the Republic of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, where those who do wrong are not left unpunished. You are lucky to have a mayor, Nuri, who attaches such importance to culture and art.”

In the concert where tens of thousands gathered to celebrate Victory Day, Merkezefendi Mayor Şeniz Doğan expressed the joy of celebrating a great holiday that started on August 26 and ended in victory, thanking everyone who contributed to this beauty.

“We are working to build a happy Denizli” Denizli Metropolitan Mayor Bülent Nuri Çavuşoğlu also thanked the fellow citizens who attended their invitation and the leading figures, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades, who played a key role in the existence of this meaningful day. Mayor Çavuşoğlu stated, “We embarked on this journey for a Denizli where happy people with smiling faces, men and women, live together without anyone being marginalized, where love, friendship, and peace prevail, where right-wing, left-wing, Kurds, Turks, Alevis, and Sunnis live together as brothers.” Emphasizing that they set out to build a happy Denizli, Mayor Çavuşoğlu continued his speech as follows: “In our journey, we will be the voice of the oppressed, not the oppressors. In this journey, we have a dream of a Denizli where everyone’s face is smiling. We started this journey not with those who ask, ‘What will I become?’ but with those who ask, ‘What can we achieve together?’ The architects of this journey are those who go smiling over bullets for a beautiful Turkey, a beautiful future, and a Turkey where happy people live, disregarding their own lives, properties, and lives. We remember all our greats who contributed to the establishment of this beautiful geography, especially Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades, with mercy, and our veterans with gratitude.”

“We will take this journey further together” Mayor Çavuşoğlu stated, “We will take this journey further together. We will come together in the Denizli of those who are happy by saving the future, not by thinking they are the captain by saving their own ship. In our journey, we will take this journey we started today for the smiling people even further. Happy August 30 Victory Day to all of us,” he said.

Mayor Çavuşoğlu then thanked master artist Edip Akbayram and presented him with a pedestal featuring the rooster figure, a symbol of Denizli, in memory of the day.

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