President Erdoğan: “If some have an Iron Dome, we will have a Steel Dome.”

In his speech at the Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated, “Our air forces take on significant responsibility in eliminating threats to our country’s security, especially in the fight against terrorism. Air …

President Erdoğan: “If some have an Iron Dome, we will have a Steel Dome.”
Publish: 31.08.2024

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in his speech at the Air War Academy Graduation Ceremony, stated, “Our air forces take great responsibility in eliminating threats to our country’s security, especially in the fight against terrorism. We are striving to strengthen our air forces in every area. We will hopefully implement our Steel Dome project, which we will develop as a systems system, with all its components. If someone has an Iron Dome, we will also have our Steel Dome.”

President Erdoğan attended the Air War Academy Graduation Ceremony. In his speech, he said, “While we celebrate our military successes that have marked August as the month of victories over the past two days, we are also holding the diploma and flag handover ceremonies of our military academies. We are experiencing a very different atmosphere by adding the joy of graduation of our lieutenants to the enthusiasm of our victories. Of course, I have a happiness that I must express. In the graduation ceremonies of the Land Forces Academy, the Naval Academy, and just now the Air Academy, our girls took the top honors. This is a separate honor for us. Our girls succeed. Beyond being successful, they especially succeed as soldiers.”

“We did not only uproot the FETÖ treachery gang, we also strengthened our army in every field,” President Erdoğan continued his speech, stating, “On Sunday, we were in Ahlat, which is known as ‘Kubbetül İslam.’ In Ahlat, the title deed of Anatolia, we embraced both our youth and provided an important image of unity. We demonstrated that we are one with the state and the nation, and that we are united against terrorism as one heart and one wrist. The Turkish Armed Forces have managed to overcome one of the toughest trials an army can face with the least possible damage. Not only did we uproot the FETÖ treachery gang that grew like a malignant tumor for nearly 40 years, but we also strengthened our army in every field. By conducting the Euphrates Shield Operation just 40 days after the failed coup attempt on July 15, we sent very important messages to those who awaited our state to stumble and falter. Subsequently, we dealt deadly blows to the terrorist organizations that had settled in northern Syria with the Olive Branch and Peace Spring operations. Terrorist organizations are looking for holes to escape, but they will not find any. For the last two years, we have been trying to dry up the terrorist swamp in northern Iraq with our Claw operations. We completely destroyed the forces that were enemies of our Azerbaijani brothers in Karabakh. We will soon reach our goals here as well. We will lock the door, removing the separatist scoundrels from being a threat to our nation and our Iraqi brothers.”

President Erdoğan said, “After a betrayal similar to July 15, no state in the world could do what Turkey has done. No army in the world, except the Turkish Armed Forces, could achieve such success beyond its borders in such a short time. We did not only heal the wounds caused by the FETÖ treachery within our armed forces, but we also added strength and credibility to our army. We do not have the luxury of falling into complacency. I sincerely believe that we will reach much better levels.”

“We will hopefully implement our Steel Dome project with all its components,” President Erdoğan stated, “Our air forces take great responsibility in eliminating threats to our country’s security, especially in the fight against terrorism. We are striving to strengthen our air forces in every area. The momentum we have gained in unmanned aerial vehicles is being closely followed not only by friendly and brotherly nations but also by the whole world. Turkish UAVs produced by our companies are used in over 50 countries. We will hopefully implement our Steel Dome project, which we will develop as a systems system, with all its components. If someone has an Iron Dome, we will also have our Steel Dome. The Steel Dome will ensure that all our sensors and weapons work in an integrated manner with our layered air defense systems. We are striving to produce and develop whatever our air forces need for the defense of our homeland without hesitation.”

“The fact that Turkey is a country that has to cut its own umbilical cord is clear to everyone with reason and insight,” President Erdoğan said. “We personally witnessed how the alliances we are part of behaved in times of need during the Syrian crisis. They even hesitated to send Patriot batteries. They did not shy away from openly supporting the PKK’s Syrian extension or welcoming the leaders of the separatist terrorist organization with red carpets. We trust ourselves and our own human resources. We will not fall into the mistake of putting all our eggs in one basket.”

Addressing the graduating students, President Erdoğan said, “Here at the Air War Academy, you received modern, quality, and multifaceted education. I sincerely believe that you will take our army to much higher levels. As you serve in different corners of our homeland at various stages of your professional life, do not forget this: you are members of an institution that is the apple of this nation’s eye. You already know how honorable the trust placed upon you is. Please continue to develop yourselves. Hold tightly to the values of faith and civilization that keep our nation standing. I trust you young lieutenants to the end. I believe you will be worthy of your families. Your families sent you to the War Academies with great faith.”

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