The pride of the 102nd anniversary of the great victory in Nilüfer.

The ‘August 30 Victory Day’, one of the important steps in the struggle for freedom of the Republic of Turkey, was celebrated with a ceremony held in Nilüfer. In his speech at the ceremony, Nilüfer Mayor Şadi Özdemir described this day as both a day of victory and a day of pride …

The pride of the 102nd anniversary of the great victory in Nilüfer.
Publish: 30.08.2024

The important step in the struggle for freedom of the Republic of Turkey, ‘August 30 Victory Day’, was celebrated with a ceremony held in Nilüfer. In his speech at the ceremony, Nilüfer Mayor Şadi Özdemir described this day as both a day of victory and pride.

August 30 Victory Day, one of the historical steps that laid the foundations of the Republic of Turkey, was celebrated in Nilüfer on its 102nd anniversary. A wreath-laying ceremony was held at the Republic Square in front of the Nilüfer Municipality Public House. The ceremony, which saw a large turnout, was attended by Nilüfer Mayor Şadi Özdemir and his wife Nuray Özdemir, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Bozbey, Osmangazi Municipality Mayor Erkan Aydın, CHP Bursa Members of Parliament Prof. Dr. Kayıhan Pala and Hasan Öztürk, CHP Nilüfer District President Özgür Şahin, representatives of professional chambers and civil society organizations, as well as many citizens. After the wreaths were presented, the ceremony continued with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem.

In his speech here, Nilüfer Mayor Şadi Özdemir emphasized that today is both a day of victory and pride. He highlighted that the Battle of Dumlupınar, which began on August 26 under the command of the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and ended in victory on August 30, determined the future of Turkey. Mayor Şadi Özdemir stated, “With this victory, we achieved success in the War of Independence. August 30 represents the day when the country’s lands were reclaimed, and it is a victory that saved the Turkish nation from becoming a colony and enabled the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. Living in a country founded by Mustafa Kemal is our greatest fortune. The Republic he established is our greatest legacy.”

At the end of his speech, Mayor Şadi Özdemir congratulated everyone on the 102nd anniversary of August 30 Victory Day and commemorated Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, his comrades-in-arms, and all martyrs.

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Bozbey, who spoke at the ceremony, also congratulated everyone on August 30 Victory Day. He recalled that in the four days following August 26, there was a struggle against those who partitioned the country’s lands, primarily the French, Italians, and Greeks. Bozbey noted that the Turkish nation fought against the weapons and equipment of the opposing side despite the impossibilities. He emphasized that this victory was won amidst deprivation, stating that August 30 Victory Day is a victory and a holiday for everyone, and said, “We need to evaluate it this way and convey it to our children and our future in this way. August 30 is also the holiday that gave the first signs of the establishment of the Republic. Therefore, its significance is very great. For this reason, we will continue to uphold August 30.”

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