The patient who had difficulty swallowing drank water to their heart’s content after years.

Meryem Akkurt, who is receiving treatment in Diyarbakır, regained her health through a non-surgical procedure called Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) and enjoyed drinking water to her heart’s content after many years. 17-year-old Meryem Akkurt, living in Şanlıurfa, experienced swallowing difficulties for many years.

The patient who had difficulty swallowing drank water to their heart’s content after years.
Publish: 25.08.2024

Meryem Akkurt, who received treatment in Diyarbakır, regained her health with a non-surgical procedure called Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) and was able to enjoy drinking water after many years.

17-year-old Meryem Akkurt, living in Şanlıurfa, experienced swallowing difficulties for many years. She visited many doctors and hospitals, but she could not get a diagnosis for her illness. Over the years, she also struggled with eating, eventually dropping to 44 kilograms. Doctors who thought her situation was psychological at the hospitals she visited referred her to a psychologist because she could not eat.

During this process, Akkurt also began to have problems drinking water. She struggled even to drink a glass of water, and while searching for a solution to her situation, she started to suffer both physically and psychologically due to the inconclusive results of the tests. As her symptoms worsened over time, she began to vomit the food she swallowed and experienced a pressure sensation in her chest. After consulting with Associate Professor Dr. Nurettin Tunç at the Gastroenterology Department of Memorial Diyarbakır Hospital, it was diagnosed that Akkurt had achalasia due to muscle issues in the esophagus after an endoscopic examination.

Akkurt regained her health with the non-surgical Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy procedure and began to eat and drink water as she wished. Akkurt stated, “I have been experiencing this problem for years. All treatments were unsuccessful. I dropped from 56 kilograms to 44 kilograms. Over time, my body became deficient in vitamins and minerals because I could not eat. For the first time after the surgery, I did not feel discomfort while drinking water. The water I drank did not bother me at all. It is very hard to describe this happiness.”

Associate Professor Dr. Nurettin Tunç stated that after the successful procedure, he made Meryem Akkurt drink water. Tunç said, “Our patient had not even been diagnosed for years. Unfortunately, her complaints continued to increase as a result of existing treatments. Additionally, as her condition continued to deteriorate, there began to be disruptions in her daily routines. The inability to eat and the sensation of discomfort in the chest started to negatively affect her school life. We did everything we could for Meryem. We performed a procedure on the muscles in her esophagus using the POEM method, and afterward, we discharged her in good health. We are happy that she is now happy and healthy.”

“Swallowing difficulties and choking while drinking liquids should not be overlooked”

Tunç expressed that some people do not notice this situation, saying, “They can continue to live with achalasia for many years. As a result of slowly progressing symptoms, patients experience weight loss and fluid loss. Some patients can vomit the food they eat because they cannot digest it. This situation can lead to serious consequences. Looking at the history of the disease, we can say that it goes back 2-3 years. Swallowing difficulties accompany the inability to eat. People who cannot receive the necessary nutrients for their body can develop many disorders over time. It should not be neglected.”

Associate Professor Dr. Nurettin Tunç stated that Meryem Akkurt, whose school life was also negatively affected due to health issues, can now prepare more seriously for her biggest dream of becoming a lawyer, and her anxiety and stress have come to an end. Tunç expressed that Akkurt, who was discharged in good health, is now enjoying the happiness of being able to drink water to her heart’s content.

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