The man who spreads healing in the Taurus Mountains.

Abdullah Güven, who extracted thyme oil from thyme herbs he collected from the Taurus Mountains 25 years ago using primitive methods in the Akseki district of Antalya, is now extracting oil from approximately 35 different plants to distribute healing. The Taurus Mountains range from 800 to 1,800 …

The man who spreads healing in the Taurus Mountains.
Publish: 24.08.2024

Abdullah Güven, who extracts thyme oil from thyme herbs he collected 25 years ago from the Taurus Mountains using primitive methods in Antalya’s Akseki district, today distributes healing oils extracted from about 35 different plants. The man, who collects plants from the peaks of the Taurus Mountains at altitudes of 800 to 1,800 meters, receives orders from all 81 provinces and delivers his oils to customers by cargo.

With the permission he obtained from the Forest Management Directorate, Abdullah Güven collects many plants such as thyme, sage, mastic, myrtle, juniper, laurel, terebinth, pine, rosemary, fennel, St. John’s wort, nettle, and water mint in the Taurus Mountains at altitudes of 800 to 1,200 meters during the summer. Güven, who stated that he used to dry and sell these herbs after collecting them, explained that he started extracting thyme, apple oil, laurel oil, mastic oil, and water mint oil using primitive methods back then, but now continues this work in cauldrons he has made with more advanced methods.

“I extract the most thyme oil. Thyme oil is the best-selling oil.”
Güven explained that he extracts the most thyme oil and that the highest sales are also from thyme oil, saying, “Extracting oil is quite laborious and difficult work. The plants that grow in the Taurus Mountains have a unique flavor and healing properties. We try to be beneficial to people. We are satisfied with that. We produce the most thyme oil among the oils we make. Thyme oil sells the most. People consume thyme oil more.”

“From 100 kilograms of plants, an average of one liter of oil is extracted.”
Güven said, “Extracting oil is a quite labor-intensive job. I put 100 kilograms of plants into the cauldron. I extract one liter of oil from these 100 kilograms of plants. While extracting this oil, I also buy the plants collected by villagers. I start by lighting the fire under the cauldron early in the morning. The oil starts to come out in 4 hours. It continues for another 4 hours. The process is completed in approximately 8 hours.”

“I extract 35 types of oil.”
Güven stated that he is producing new types of oil every day, saying, “Every day I increase my varieties of oils from different plants. I extract oils from thyme, mint, sage, apple, mastic, juniper, tar, cedar, lavender, myrtle, bay leaves, bay seeds, yellow St. John’s wort, fennel, black cumin, terebinth, pine, eucalyptus, rosemary, sesame, okra, grape seed, bitter almond, sweet almond, nettle, flaxseed, clove, peanut, coconut, walnut, safflower, poppy, pomegranate seed, peanut, and mustard, totaling 35 types of oil. Some of these plants have started to be cultivated in Akseki. There are those who grow lavender, particularly in the Akseki and İbradı regions. I strive to extract the oil from whatever grows in these mountains. I am increasing my varieties by experimenting with different plants.”

“The thyme in Akseki is very effective.”
Güven explained that the thyme grown in Akseki is very valuable, stating, “For example, thyme oil is a very beneficial oil. The oil of the thyme grown in our region has been studied. Professor Dr. Oktay Yeğen, who is retired from Akdeniz University in Akseki, has conducted studies for about 40 years and examined it. He has also done research in Germany. He has stated that the best samples he collected from all over Turkey are from Akseki. According to the information we received from him, the aromas of our region’s thyme and other plants are very beautiful. The climate here is very different.”

“The oil is extracted in 4 hours.”
Güven stated that the plants he puts into the cauldron undergo the oil extraction process in 4 hours, saying, “There are plants that we put 80-100 kilograms into the cauldrons. There are also plants that we put 300 kilograms in. If we put leafy types, we would put 70-80 kilograms. If they are crushed, it can go up to 100-120 kilograms. We boil the plants at a temperature between 100-120 degrees. It starts to yield oil in one hour. It continues to yield for 3 hours and we get all the oil in a total of 4 hours.”

“Each oil has its own healing properties.”
Güven stated that each of the 35 types of oil he extracts has its own benefits, saying, “For example, thyme oil is beneficial against colds and viruses. Lavender oil helps you sleep comfortably when applied to your nose at night when you can’t sleep. It has a pleasant scent. Mint oil alleviates nausea and is good for mouth sores. Eucalyptus oil is both a respiratory aid and a mosquito repellent. Juniper oil is very good for shortness of breath and joint pain. Terebinth oil increases body resistance, strengthens the immune system, is beneficial for the urinary tract, and kills microbes in the intestines, helping against cancer. I have seen many recoveries. Each has its own distinct benefits. They are countless. Those who buy from us continue to do so. People prefer our oils because they are natural. Our sales are good. We send orders all over Turkey. We are very happy to distribute healing to citizens.”

Mustafa Kurum, a local resident, stated, “The natural products of Akseki, such as thyme oil, mastic oil, mastic, püse, and karacaotlam oil, and many oils obtained from various medicinal plants are all natural. We take and use these oils. These oils are a remedy for many ailments.”

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