President Bozbey announced his projects to develop the mountainous region from Orhaneli.

The fifth stop of the ‘President Bozbey Here’ project, initiated by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Bozbey to identify problems on-site, produce quick solutions, and manage Bursa with collective intelligence, was Orhaneli. With the understanding of equal service …

President Bozbey announced his projects to develop the mountainous region from Orhaneli.
Publish: 23.08.2024

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Bozbey’s ‘President Bozbey is Here’ project, aimed at identifying problems on-site and producing quick solutions to manage Bursa with collective intelligence, reached its fifth stop in Orhaneli. Stating that they continue their work with an understanding of equal service, Mayor Bozbey also mentioned the steps to be taken to revive agriculture in Bursa and announced the projects that will develop the mountainous region from Orhaneli.

The stop of the ‘President Bozbey is Here’ project, initiated by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Bozbey to meet with citizens in different districts every 15 days, listen to their requests and suggestions, and identify problems on-site to produce quick solutions, was Orhaneli this time. Previously, Mayor Mustafa Bozbey had visited Büyükorhan, Keles, Mustafakemalpaşa, and Yenişehir districts, and this time he brought a large management team, including deputy secretaries, department heads, and branch managers, to Orhaneli.

Quality of life will increase in Orhaneli

Mayor Bozbey, who was greeted with great interest by citizens at the district entrance, was accompanied by CHP Orhaneli District Chairman Hakan Durgut during his visits. First, Mustafa Bozbey visited Orhaneli District Governor Muhammed Furkan Tuna, stating that they would support farmers by reviving agricultural production with the support of the district governorship. His next stop was Orhaneli Municipality, where Mayor Bozbey visited the Mayor Ali Osman Tayır at his office. In a meeting where the projects to be implemented for Orhaneli were discussed, problems caused by the thermal power plant operating in the district and their solutions were addressed. Listening to the citizens’ suggestions aimed at improving their quality of life, Bozbey stated that the Metropolitan Municipality would carry out the necessary work for the citizens of Orhaneli to lead a healthier life. Mayor Mustafa Bozbey also visited the Orhaneli Muhtars Association to listen to their problems and requests. Bozbey emphasized that they closely monitor the long-standing process of the Orhaneli road that has not been completed for years.

Good news for farmers in the mountainous region

Visiting the Orhaneli Chamber of Agriculture to listen to the problems of farmers, Mayor Mustafa Bozbey explained that they would establish an advisory board consisting of the chairpersons of 17 district agricultural chambers, coordinated by Agricultural AŞ, to revive agriculture in Bursa by listening to those who know the problems best. He added that they would conduct soil analyses in every region and provide seedlings to farmers, emphasizing that farmers would be given free hose support for drip irrigation systems in agricultural areas where the closed irrigation system was completed by the State Hydraulic Works (DSI). Mayor Bozbey also announced that a modern slaughterhouse would be established in the Demirci region for the benefit of the four mountainous districts.

“We think holistically about Bursa, and we work in solidarity”

Opening the Orhaneli Fire Station, Mayor Bozbey met with citizens in Çarşı Square after Friday prayers. Listening to the requests and suggestions of Orhaneli residents on the ‘President Bozbey is Here’ bus, which has become his office, Bozbey expressed that they work in solidarity with all district mayors to minimize the problems of Bursa. Stating that they resolve identified problems on-site, Mustafa Bozbey said, “Orhaneli is an important district that is centrally located among our four mountainous districts. We are in a beautiful region with clean air, clean water, and good people. We all took on a responsibility for Bursa on March 31. We think holistically. We work in solidarity with all our mayors to minimize the problems of Bursa. It saddened us that the problems of our muhtars, which have needed to be resolved for years, remain unresolved. We will fight for these issues to be resolved. We have identified infrastructure, drinking water, and utility water problems in some of our neighborhoods. There are projects that BUSKİ should carry out. We will consult with our regional DSI director. They must complete the closed irrigation system. Once this is completed, we will have gained an important position regarding agricultural activities,” he stated.

The region’s potential in agriculture, animal husbandry, and tourism will be highlighted

Stressing that Orhaneli has significant potential in agriculture and animal husbandry as well as tourism, Mayor Bozbey stated that they would eliminate existing infrastructure problems. Regarding the modern slaughterhouse that will benefit four districts, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Bozbey said, “We have our very important Sadağı Canyon in our district. We will conduct a special study regarding that area. Rafting is done in that region. The tourism potential is enormous. However, for tourists to come, the infrastructure problems need to be resolved, and resting places such as cafeterias need to be established. We discussed these issues with our mayor and agreed on including projects in this regard in our program. In addition to all this, the region has many high-quality agricultural products. It is crucial to store these products in cold storage and bring them to a level where they can generate good income. We will carry out our work in this regard in the upcoming process. Livestock farming is also an important source of income in our region. Unfortunately, we have seen a decline in family farming and livestock in recent years. We are striving to reverse this trend. We have taken another step. We are planning to establish a quality slaughterhouse in the region where our four mountainous districts can comfortably slaughter their animals. We attach importance to ensuring the health and slaughterability of animals before they are released into the market for human health,” he expressed.

“We will act with a focus on protecting our small farmers”

Recalling that they would establish an advisory board with agricultural chamber presidents under the coordination of Agricultural A.Ş. and that they aim to increase producers’ market share and exports, Bozbey said, “When we visited our agricultural chamber, we saw that a problem present in various districts of Bursa also exists here. The decline in market share of products due to exports negatively affects our farmers. The chairpersons of the agricultural chambers in all our districts will be part of the advisory board of Agricultural A.Ş. Additionally, professors from universities will also be part of the advisory board. This advisory board will first create an inventory of all agricultural lands in Bursa, outlining the main items of support we will provide to our farmers. Then it will determine how that support should be distributed. As the Metropolitan Municipality, we will provide support to our farmers through agricultural chambers. In doing so, we will act with a focus on protecting our small farmers. Solving the problems of small farmers is our responsibility,” he stated.

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