Minister Kacır: “We have increased the annual export of our industrial products from 34 billion dollars to 241 billion dollars in 22 years.”

The Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatih Kacır, who attended the joint opening and signing ceremony of the AHİKA and KOP Regional Development Administration Projects held at the Ahiler Development Agency (AHİKA), stated, “The annual export of our industrial products in all sectors has reached 34… in 22 years.

Minister Kacır: “We have increased the annual export of our industrial products from 34 billion dollars to 241 billion dollars in 22 years.”
Publish: 22.08.2024

At the opening and signing ceremony of the projects of AHİKA (Ahi Development Agency) and KOP Regional Development Administration held at the Ahi Development Agency, Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır stated, “We have increased the annual export of our industrial products in all sectors from 34 billion dollars to 241 billion dollars in 22 years.”

Minister Kacır attended the opening and signing ceremony of the projects organized by AHİKA and KOP Regional Development Administration. In his speech, Kacır said, “Turkey has achieved significant gains with solid steps taken over 22 years, signing century-long successes without succumbing to the global crises experienced worldwide. We have transformed our country into one of the global centers for production and technology development. We have broken records in production and export in the industrial sectors. From automotive to chemistry, from machinery to steel, from white goods to defense and aviation, and from textiles to furniture, we have increased the annual export of our industrial products from 34 billion dollars to 241 billion dollars in 22 years. We are the world leader in the production of military unmanned aerial vehicles. We are a leader in commercial vehicle, solar panel, and white goods production in Europe and one of the top two countries in iron and steel. We introduced our domestic and national electric vehicle Togg to our nation. By mobilizing the unique potential of our country, prioritizing value-added and high-tech production, and realizing green and digital transformation, we will continue to position Turkish industry stronger and more effectively in the world. With our local development initiative, we are spreading the sustainable and continuous development we initiated in the second century of our Republic, the Century of Turkey, across our entire country.”

Minister Kacır inaugurated 11 projects carried out by AHİKA and KOP Regional Development Administration and attended the signing ceremony for 3 projects to be implemented in Nevşehir by KOP Regional Development Administration.

Starting the Nevşehir program with a visit to the Governorship, Kacır received information about the province from Governor Ali Fidan. Minister Kacır continued his visits at Paşha Balloon, Turkey’s first domestic hot air balloon company. During the visit, the minister received information about the hot air balloons produced and the sector from the owner of the company, Halis Aydoğan.

Visiting Cappadocia University, Minister Kacır received information about the university from Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali Karasar and toured the Cappadocia University campus.

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