DSO became the first non-governmental organization to be included among Turkey’s Happiest Workplaces.

Denizli Chamber of Commerce has achieved the success of being listed among the 50 workplaces with a high average score in the “Happy Workplaces – Turkey’s Happiest Workplaces Survey” conducted by Happy Place to Work for 3 years, becoming the first civil organization to do so.

DSO became the first non-governmental organization to be included among Turkey’s Happiest Workplaces.
Publish: 20.08.2024

Denizli Chamber of Commerce has made a pioneering achievement as the first civil society organization to enter the list of 50 workplaces with a high average score in the “Happy Workplaces – Turkey’s Happiest Workplaces Survey” conducted by Happy Place to Work for 3 years.

Denizli Chamber of Commerce, which has signed a precedent as the first civil society organization to enter the list of 50 workplaces with a high average score in the “Happy Workplaces – Turkey’s Happiest Workplaces Survey”, has qualified to receive the “Extraordinary Employee Experience Certificate and Award.” During his visit to our Chamber, Selçuk Ergenç, Media Special Projects Director of Capital Magazine, presented the award to our Board Chairman Selim Kasapoğlu and DSO staff. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration and a people-oriented approach in the journey of Denizli Chamber of Commerce, Chairman Kasapoğlu stated, “As Denizli Chamber of Commerce, we believe that happiness is the foundation of service quality, and we are proud to be the first civil society organization in this research. We will continue to add value to our city and the Denizli industry.” Ergenç congratulated Denizli Chamber of Commerce for this achievement, stating, “This success of DSO has also set an example for other NGOs.”

In the research published in the May issue of Capital, one of Turkey’s leading economic magazines, the Denizli Chamber of Commerce qualified to receive the “Extraordinary Employee Experience Certificate and Award” by scoring 80 points, which resulted in a high average. To present the award, Selçuk Ergenç, Media Special Projects Director of Capital Magazine, visited our Chamber. First, he met with our Chairman Selim Kasapoğlu and Board Members, and then presented the “Extraordinary Employee Experience Certificate and Award” to our Chairman Selim Kasapoğlu and DSO staff during a ceremony held at our Service Building. The ceremony included DSO Vice Chairmen Mehmet Serter and Osman Uğurlu, Board Members Enis Emre Boz and Levent Çaputçu, DSO Secretary General Dr. Sezgi Akbaş, and the DSO staff who were the architects of this meaningful award.

“Happy employees, sustainable success”
Chairman Selim Kasapoğlu stated that they believe happy employees are a critical factor for success, saying, “We all know that happy people have a higher quality of life and are more successful in their professional lives. Feeling good in our work environment actually brings sustainable success as well. This award is a reflection of DSO’s value given to its employees and the corporate culture. Since we took office, we have focused on what we can do as a team. We have acted with the belief that strength comes from unity. Therefore, we feel great pride and excitement in being part of Turkey’s Happiest Workplaces Survey and as the first professional organization announced in the research results. Having such an award is important for us and motivating for the work we will do in the future. As Denizli Chamber of Commerce, while empowering the industry of our city, we also want to add value to the cultural aspect of this city. We believe we will achieve this together. Denizli Chamber of Commerce will continue to pioneer projects and sign firsts with its contributions to the city’s industry.”

Ergenç noted that DSO’s success serves as an example for other NGOs, stating, “A difficult survey with many details is conducted, with first-place winners from every sector. We conduct this research process very transparently. We measure the degree of happiness of all employees in the workplace environment. Employee satisfaction is an important factor for increasing the performance of institutions, strengthening employee loyalty, and developing corporate culture. In this research, for the first time, an Industrial Chamber has succeeded in entering the list, achieving this score in its first year. Denizli Chamber of Commerce achieved significant success with a high average score of 80 points in this research. This success shows us the importance that DSO places on employee satisfaction and the efforts it has made in this area. DSO’s success will also serve as an example for other NGOs. I congratulate you.”

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