Strong reaction to the appointment of the CHP provincial president’s wife as deputy mayor

Yüksel Aydın, a former member of the Central Executive Committee of the Nationalist Movement Party and a candidate for mayor, made statements regarding the services of the Kastamonu Municipality. He mentioned the recent hiring of Barış Karabacak, the spouse of CHP Kastamonu Provincial Chairman İlke Karabacak.

Strong reaction to the appointment of the CHP provincial president’s wife as deputy mayor
Publish: 31.07.2024
Updated: 18.08.2024 11:30

Yuksel Aydin, a former member of the Central Executive Committee of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and candidate for mayor, reacted strongly to the appointment of Baris Karabacak, the husband of the CHP Kastamonu Provincial Chair Ilke Karabacak, as deputy mayor, who was recently hired.

Aydin, who was the former provincial chairman of MHP and a candidate for the Kastamonu Municipality in the March 31 Local Government Elections, made statements regarding the negligence in the management of Kastamonu Municipality. He noted that over 400 workers’ job locations had been changed in the municipality, particularly mentioning the assignment of Murat Esgin, who was injured in a bombing attack by the PKK and became a veteran, to the Directorate of Cleaning Services. Aydin criticized Mayor Hasan Baltacı and CHP officials. He criticized the appointment of Barış Karabacak, who served as an advisor to Hasan Baltacı during his term as a member of parliament, as deputy mayor, stating that municipal employees were called to the CHP Kastamonu Provincial Headquarters for discussions.

“Be careful when you mention the Nationalist Movement Party” Aydin spoke about his candidacy process, stating, “The MHP General Center has not nominated the current mayor. If they had shown proper management, what would we have to do with being a candidate for mayor? I was going to try for candidacy for parliament again, if that did not work, I have the ability to serve in the Nationalist Movement Party under any circumstances. Therefore, I want this to be understood. Those who come to us and mumble the Nationalist Party should take it out of their mouths. Today, whatever authority, information, or documents you have, bring them forth, and you can report the officials of that day to the prosecutor. The Nationalist Movement Party will do what is necessary and will do it. I say this to all the officials of the Republican People’s Party at once: Be careful when you mention the Nationalist Movement Party. The manager is there, and the Nationalist Movement Party has seen the incompetence and has not nominated them.”

“They started by taking down the President’s photo” Aydin stated that the first act of the CHP upon taking office in the Kastamonu Municipality was to remove President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s photo from the office. “Hasan Baltacı has an indictment for insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. I did not disclose this during the election process. They started by taking down the President’s photo. What’s wrong with that? Why are you uncomfortable? The nation has given you this authority; for 5 years, you are the king. But 5 years pass quickly. We were here 5 years ago; it passes swiftly,” he said.

“The veteran has no eye, spleen, or half a pancreas” Aydin indicated that changing the job locations of workers was a form of mobbing, stating, “They are sending the veteran to the Directorate of Cleaning Services while looking into the eyes of the people of Kastamonu, who are attached to their spiritual and national values. Once, you insult the employees working in that unit, as if working there is a bad thing. They have structured the entire mechanism accordingly. The Cleaning and Park Services Directorate is a field of punishment. Who reacted in Kastamonu? I have always waited. A few journalist friends wrote. Kastamonu should have risen in this regard. They say ‘he hasn’t come to work for 500 days,’ but what if he doesn’t come for 5,000 days? The veteran has no eye, spleen, or half a pancreas. The man has cancer. With what brain, with what dirty mentality are you placing this man in cleaning services? Should I cry out? Kastamonu needs to rise for this,” he stated.

“Ilke Karabacak either you will resign or your husband Baris Karabacak will resign” Aydin pointed out that either CHP Kastamonu Provincial Chair Ilke Karabacak or her husband, who was appointed as deputy mayor, should resign, saying, “Your husband will get a job in the municipality through the special secretary’s influence. He will become the deputy mayor 20 days later. This cannot happen; Ilke Karabacak, either you will resign, or your husband Baris Karabacak will resign. They have introduced a new custom. They are calling municipal personnel to the provincial presidency. During my term as provincial chair, I did not call a single municipal employee; I ordered that no one should touch the mayor. They have changed the positions of nearly 400 people. Have you ever experienced something like this before? You can change the directors and deputy mayors, but why are you playing with the children of this country? They have children, spouses, mothers, fathers, enemies, and relatives. You continue to change their positions,” he expressed.

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