CHP Leader Özel described the Israeli attacks as “massacre” and the killing of Haniyeh as “murder.”

Speaking about current issues in Eskişehir, CHP Chairman Özgür Özel described the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as a “murder.” Also discussing the debates on early elections, Özel stated, “The AK Party does not allow early elections without saying ‘yes’ …

CHP Leader Özel described the Israeli attacks as “massacre” and the killing of Haniyeh as “murder.”
Publish: 31.07.2024

The CHP General Chairman Özgür Özel, who spoke about current issues in Eskişehir, described the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as a “murder.” Also commenting on discussions about early elections, Özel said, “The AK Party says there will be no early elections without saying ‘yes.’ I am counting the days, I am impatient, I can’t wait to be in power.”

Özgür Özel came to Eskişehir for a series of visits. He first visited the CHP Eskişehir Provincial Headquarters and then moved on to Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality.

“The killing of the Hamas leader is also an act of violence, it is a murder.”

While discussing current issues here, Özgür Özel talked about the assassination of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh, who was killed in a targeted attack at his residence in Tehran, the capital of Iran, and the assaults carried out by Israel. Özel stated that those who applaud Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in America are complicit in this massacre, saying, “We are saddened by any violence or death. We stand against Israel’s state terrorism against Palestine. But the attacks initiated by Hamas in October saddened us all. Innocent people were killed. But in response to the deaths of innocent people, they killed 40,000. They still do not stop. Those who applaud Netanyahu in America are accomplices to this massacre. Someone like Netanyahu, who is a criminal against humanity, who causes child and women killings, who has people shot in bread queues, will perhaps reach this point in the future. This is its definition, and the international community will have to accept it sooner or later. Those who applaud are responsible for the continuation of this violence. The killing of the Hamas leader is also an act of violence, it is a murder. We do not endorse that either. Wherever in the world it happens, every drop of blood shed, every tear shed hurts our hearts.”

“The earlier the elections, the sooner the CHP will be in power.”

Expressing his desire for early elections and his impatience to be in power, CHP Leader Özel emphasized that early elections will not happen without the AK Party wanting it. Özel stated that if the CHP comes to power, very large credits will come to Turkey, saying, “I did not say I cannot demand early elections. I said that I would not demand it using the excuse of this election outcome. We received votes from AK Party supporters. You cannot say, ‘I want elections today after voting for someone yesterday.’ But now the legitimate conditions for early elections have emerged spontaneously, and people want early elections. We stand behind anyone in Turkey who wants early elections. I am ready as the Republican People’s Party since yesterday. But right now we do not have that power; we have 127 deputies, we need 360. The AK Party says there will be no early elections without saying ‘yes.’ Therefore, the demand for early elections should be directed towards the government. The demand for early elections needs to be managed. The earlier the elections, the sooner the CHP will be in power, the sooner the European Union process I mentioned before will begin, democracy will come gradually, and problems will end. Very large credits will come to Turkey, very large funds will come. Because you know, if a country promises democracy, how did the AK Party relax from 2002 to 2007? It promised democracy, it promised to enter the European Union. Everyone was coming here. Now when they say, ‘If necessary, we will go to Shanghai,’ everyone is running away.”

Later, Özgür Özel left the Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality building to continue his program.

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