The district governor Duman, who was assigned to Osmancık, visited the martyrdom
Furkan Duman, who was appointed as the District Governor of Osmancık, has started his duties in the district. Governor Duman began his first task by visiting the martyrdom and praying. Furkan was appointed to Osmancık from the District Governorate of Tuşba in Van, as published in the Official Gazette.

Furkan Duman, who has been appointed as the District Governor of Osmancık, has started his duties in the district. Governor Duman’s first action was to visit the martyrs’ cemetery and pray.
With the decree published in the Official Gazette regarding the appointment of district governors, Furkan Duman, who was transferred from the Tuşba District Governorship in Van to Osmancık, has begun his duties in the district. Duman was welcomed by Mayor Ahmet Gelgör and department heads in the garden of the Government House. In the district governor’s meeting room, Governor Furkan Duman met with department heads and received information about the general operations of public institutions, services provided to citizens, and the activities of the units.
As his first task, he visited the martyrs’ cemetery.
On his first day in office, Osmancık District Governor Furkan Duman visited the martyrs’ cemetery located in the Asri Cemetery. During the visit, which was attended by the district protocol, the Quran was recited, and all martyrs were commemorated with prayers.
Who is Furkan Duman?
Furkan Duman was born in 1982 in Bilgili village, Eruh district of Siirt. He completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in Gaziantep. In 1999, he passed the entrance exam for the Public Administration Department at Cumhuriyet University and graduated as the top of his class in 2003. He started his master’s degree in the Social Sciences Institute, Department of Administrative Sciences at the same university in 2003 and graduated in 2006 by completing his thesis on “Governance in Municipalities and Discussions on Customer-Citizen Perception.”
In 2007, he passed the exam opened by the Ministry of Finance for Tax Inspector positions and began his career as a Tax Inspector Assistant. In 2009, he passed the exam for District Governor Candidates opened by the Ministry of Interior and started his duties in February 2010. After various internships, he went to England for an overseas internship where he completed his second master’s thesis on “Evaluation of the Legal Reforms Made in Local Governments in Turkey After 2000 in Terms of the New Understanding of Public Administration.”
Before the Tuşba District Governorship, he served as Acting District Governor in Araban, Gaziantep, and held positions as District Governor in Afyonkarahisar-Kızılören, Isparta-Sütçüler, Şanlıurfa-Hilvan, and Van-Tuşba. He is married and a father of three.