Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı: “Blue Homeland is not a fairy tale, it is an epic.”

The reactions to CHP Member of Parliament Namık Tan, who used the term “fairy tale” for “Blue Homeland,” are growing like an avalanche. Retired Admiral Cihat Yaycı, who defined the borders of Turkey’s Blue Homeland as a result of 20 years of scientific research, stated, “The Blue Homeland is not a fairy tale, it is a …

Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı: “Blue Homeland is not a fairy tale, it is an epic.”
Publish: 29.07.2024

Reactions are growing exponentially against CHP Member of Parliament Namık Tan, who used the term “fairy tale” for “Blue Homeland.” Retired Admiral Cihat Yaycı, who defined the borders of Turkey’s Blue Homeland as a result of 20 years of scientific research, stated, “Blue Homeland is not a fairy tale; it is an epic. I call on this person to resign immediately from the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and his party.”

In his speech at the Assembly, CHP Member of Parliament Namık Tan used the term “fairy tale” for the Blue Homeland, which encompasses Turkey’s 462,000 square kilometers of maritime Misak-ı Milli borders. Following Tan’s scandalous statements, politicians and academics have been responding with outrage. Cihat Yaycı, a faculty member at Istanbul Topkapi University and a retired admiral who laid out the borders of the Blue Homeland through scientific work, commented on Tan’s statements. Yaycı argued that Tan should immediately resign from the Grand National Assembly and his party after such remarks.

“Blue Homeland is not a fairy tale; it is an epic.”

Cihat Yaycı remarked, “Blue Homeland is not a fairy tale; it is an epic. It is the maritime Misak-ı Milli of the Republic of Turkey. This is a maritime manifesto. I first wrote the Blue Homeland Doctrine as an international scientific book in 2022, as a result of 22 years of work. I determined the borders of Turkey’s 462,000 square kilometer economic maritime country through 20 years of research. Great Atatürk portrayed the sea and maritime activities as the great national ideal of the Turk. Those who claim to be Atatürkists expressing the Blue Homeland as a fairy tale show similarities with the speeches of Greek parliamentarians, the enmity of the terrorist organization FETÖ against the Blue Homeland, and the enmities of Greeks, Armenians, and European countries. I leave the judgment of these similarities to the conscience of the great Turkish nation. Our nation already knows that the enemies of the Blue Homeland are actually enemies of the homeland and the nation. There is no acceptable aspect to this.”

“I call for him to resign immediately from the Grand National Assembly and his party.”

Yaycı stated that the DEM Party and CHP opposed the Somalia Agreement and questioned, “How is it that a party claiming to be Atatürkist is opposing the Blue Homeland and the Somalia Agreement alongside the DEM Party? This agreement carries no risk. I call on this individual to resign immediately from the Grand National Assembly and his party. If he receives an invitation, I suggest he express these views in the Greek parliament and be assured of applause. Namık Tan’s opinions have started to be used in Greece. It’s a shame we have provided material to Greece. Our esteemed Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, please start using the term Blue Homeland in your statements. We want to hear this.”

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