A barber and hairdresser who opened their shop on a holiday was fined 9 thousand lira
Starting this week in Bolu, male barbers will be closed on Sundays and female hairdressers will be closed on Tuesdays. A fine of 9,000 lira will be imposed on tradesmen who open their shops on days they are supposed to be closed. Barber tradesman Doğan Şimşek stated, “The Trade Provincial Directorate and …”

In Bolu, starting this week, men’s barbers will be closed on Sundays and women’s hairdressers on Tuesdays. Tradespeople who open their shops on the days they are supposed to be closed will face a fine of 9 thousand lira. Barber tradesman Doğan Şimşek stated, “There will be inspections by the Trade Provincial Directorate and law enforcement. There will be a deterrent penalty.”
According to the decision made by the Ministry of Commerce, a one-day closure practice has begun in barbers, hairdressers, and beauty salons. Following the meeting held by the Bolu Governorship and the Trade Provincial Directorate, the decision will be implemented in Bolu this week with the approval of Governor Erkan Kılıç. As part of the decision, it has been decided that men’s barbers and beauty salons will be open on Sundays a week prior to Ramadan and Eid al-Adha, and women’s hairdressers will be open on Tuesdays. It was also noted that this applies to the days coinciding with the new academic year as well.
Wedding Celebrations Allowed for 2 Hours
On the other hand, on the days when men’s barbers are closed on Sundays, women’s hairdressers on Tuesdays, and beauty salons on Sundays, it has been decided that businesses can open temporarily (for 2 hours) and perform their services if the host of a special event such as a wedding, engagement, or circumcision ceremony informs the relevant trade chamber with an invitation.
Those who act contrary to the regulations set by the Bolu Governorship will face a fine of approximately 9 thousand lira according to the relevant law.
“We want everyone to spend time with their families on Sunday”
Doğan Şimşek, a member of the Board of Directors of the Bolu Barbers and Hairdressers Chamber and a barber tradesman, said, “There are those who want to be closed and those who do not. The group that does not want is a minority. It is a pleasing situation for those who want to close. It is a good situation for those who want to spend time with their families. There were constant statements like ‘Let those who want to close, close.’ We did not want it to be like that. We want there to be no competition at all. On Sunday, everyone should spend a day with their family. These are among our important values. Our tradesmen want to close on Sunday, but the tradesmen across from them open their shops on Sunday. Thus, a competitive environment is created, and the other tradesman is forced to open his shop.”
“There will be a deterrent penalty”
Emphasizing that tradesmen will be inspected on the days they are supposed to be closed, Şimşek stated, “There will be inspections by the Trade Provincial Directorate and law enforcement. There will be a deterrent penalty. The exact amount is not clear, but it is said that a fine around 9 thousand lira will be imposed.” Doğan Şimşek also stated that citizens would not be inconvenienced in any way during special days and holidays.