President Erdoğan: “We invited Mahmud Abbas. But unfortunately, Mahmud Abbas could not give us a positive response.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, “We invited Mahmoud Abbas. But unfortunately, Mahmoud Abbas could not give us a positive response. Of course, we will proceed accordingly from now on.” President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spent the weekend at his father’s home…

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated, “We invited Mahmud Abbas. However, unfortunately, Mahmud Abbas could not give us a positive response. Of course, we will proceed according to that in the future.”
President Erdoğan participated in a series of programs in his hometown Rize, where he spent the weekend. During a meeting with the AK Party Rize Provincial Organization, Erdoğan addressed the members of the organization, stating that the gross national product has reached 1 trillion 411 billion dollars. Giving an example from his late mother Tenzile Erdoğan, Erdoğan emphasized that Turkey’s gross national product has increased from the past to the present, saying, “When my mother would come to the market from Vonit hills, of course, she wore sandals, but she wouldn’t wear them at home. Until she reached Aron Hill, she would walk barefoot, and when she got to Aron Hill, she would dip them in water to soften them and then wear them to go to the market. Look at how far we’ve come. And God has blessed us, we were born from that mother. May her place be heaven, inshallah. Right now, there is a Turkey whose gross national product has risen to 1 trillion 411 billion. When we came to power, there was no such money. Our exports were 36 million dollars, but now we have reached 250. It will get better.”
Highlighting the progress made in the defense industry, Erdoğan stressed that this point should not deceive anyone and that the steps taken towards development should continue, stating, “What was our import-export in the defense industry, and where have we come? But dear brothers, let none of these deceive us. We must be very strong so that this Israel cannot do this nonsense to Palestine. Just as we entered Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we can do the same to them. There is nothing stopping us. We just need to be strong to take these steps. If we are making statements against Israel today, having cut off all trade with them and cut off our relations, one of them, excuse me, a rude person, says, ‘Mahmud Abbas should be allowed to speak in our Parliament.’ Who is this? There is one from the New Welfare Party, and I think he has some issues. Who told you that we did not invite Mahmud Abbas? We invited him. But unfortunately, Mahmud Abbas could not give us a positive response. Of course, we will proceed according to that in the future. While we are taking all these steps, unfortunately, we are being struck from within. We did not open this parliament to whom, we will open it to everyone who is on the right path, but they have no knowledge of these matters. If a few people from the party entered the parliament today, they entered thanks to us. See this. But they are blind enough not to see it.”
Addressing party members, Erdoğan said, “Let’s be embracing, let’s not have any losers,” adding, “We are not where we should be. If you say we are where we should be, then I have nothing to say. Because our hearts expect much different things. We should also be an example in this regard. In the future, all my brothers in the villages, neighborhoods, and districts must carry Rize to a different place. When we say ‘Where are you from?’ and they say ‘I am from Rize,’ a different voice must come from Rize. Both the main branch, women’s branches, and youth branches must give voice to this. They need to put forth a different work from what our municipalities do, and my brothers living in Rize should not complain about their municipality. Yesterday and the day before, there were some complaints about natural gas. Our Minister of Energy and Natural Resources was also with us. They took their notes and are following up on those issues. We will hopefully resolve the natural gas problems here as soon as possible. Our municipalities must fulfill all their responsibilities so that we can reach the place we need to be in Rize as soon as possible. I entrust you all to Allah. I say, let’s embrace intensely, and let’s not have any losers. If we can unite with all our fellow citizens without upsetting or offending anyone, inshallah, the result will be much different.”