President of Religious Affairs Erbaş: “In Palestine, in Gaza, cruel Zionists are slaughtering Muslims. Who will stop this? We will stop it.”

The President of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbaş, said, “In Palestine, in Gaza, cruel Zionists are massacring Muslims. Who will stop this? We will stop it.” During his visit to Sinop as part of the “Provincial Meetings” program, the President of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbaş, …

President of Religious Affairs Erbaş: “In Palestine, in Gaza, cruel Zionists are slaughtering Muslims. Who will stop this? We will stop it.”
Publish: 26.07.2024

The President of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbaş, said, “In Palestine, in Gaza, cruel Zionists are massacring Muslims. Who will stop this? We will stop it.”
Erbaş performed the Friday prayer at Alaaddin Mosque in Sinop as part of the “Provincial Meetings” program. Afterward, he attended the opening of the Diyanet Youth Center and the TDV Publishing House located across the mosque, stating, “On this blessed Friday, we are opening the Diyanet Youth Center and the Turkey Diyanet Foundation bookstore right across from Alaaddin Mosque. As the Presidency of Religious Affairs, we place great importance on our youth and children. We want our youth to be educated. We want a youth that is moralized with the ethics of the Prophet. May it be beneficial. May this center we have opened be a means for the upbringing of many of our children.”
Following the opening ceremony, Erbaş participated in the memorization certification program for 284 hafiz (those who have memorized the Quran) at the Sinop Gazi Çelebi Sports Hall. Speaking at the event, President Erbaş stated, “We are in the most righteous ceremony. The moment when the most righteous deed is completed and ceremonies are held is the most righteous moment. Our Prophet said, ‘The most righteous among you are those who learn and teach the Quran.’ Our hafiz have done the most righteous deed here and have become its owners. Our National Anthem poet says, ‘The only remedy for humanity’s pain is the Quran. A person without the Quran is worse than a beast.’ May Allah have mercy on him. He expressed these lines to illustrate how cruel people, who are distant from the Quran, were during the atrocities of World War I in the Balkans. But those lines feel so newly spoken, just like today in Palestine, in Gaza, how the cruel Zionists are massacring Muslims, bombarding them without distinguishing between babies, children, and innocents. We see it, don’t we? Who will stop this? We will stop it. We will not remain silent, we will not stop, we will do what we must with our hands. We will do what we must with our tongues.”
After his speech, Erbaş prayed for an end to the oppression experienced in Gaza.

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