Local products of Gediz are being promoted at the Tarhana Festival

At the Gediz Tarhana Festival, local products produced by citizens, such as höşmerim and dibek coffee, took their place at the stalls. Höşmerim, which has geographical certification specific to the Gediz region, is presented to dessert lovers at the festival with the production of Suat Gediz.

Local products of Gediz are being promoted at the Tarhana Festival
Publish: 26.07.2024
Updated: 18.08.2024 11:37

At the Gediz Tarhana Festival, local products produced by local citizens, such as höşmerim and dibek coffee, took their place at the stalls.
The höşmerim, which has received geographical certification unique to the Gediz region, is being offered to dessert lovers at the festival through the production of Suat Gediz. Gediz said, “Today we are at the 20th Gediz Tarhana Festival. I am from Gediz. I am promoting the local products of Gediz. At the same time, I am exhibiting them in this fair. The products we are exhibiting include a höşmerim unique to Gediz. It is a product that has received geographical certification. We are pleased to showcase such a product in this organization designed by the Gediz Municipality. In addition, we are also offering our guests local products such as tarhana and honey, trying to assist them. This year marks the 20th anniversary, and we are experiencing a very active and effective process. I am quite satisfied with the proceedings. Thank God, our sales are quite good. As can be seen from the crowd, we are actually struggling a bit to meet this demand, but we are trying our best to achieve the results.”
One of the local flavors appealing to coffee lovers from Gediz is dibek coffee. Dibek coffee enthusiasts do not return empty-handed from the Tarhana Festival. A producer of Sadıçlar Dibek Coffee, which makes a unique coffee from each region, stated, “Welcome to the 20th Gediz Tarhana Festival. We thank the esteemed mayor and his team for their efforts. We have been serving as Gediz Sadıçlar Dibek Coffee for 4 years, producing and providing our service. It is a Turkish coffee made by grinding. There are no additives whatsoever in it. It is a local product. Our festival is wonderful, and we thank everyone who contributed immensely.”

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