President Dinçer: “Sensitivity in recycling will sustain our future generations.”

Aksaray Municipality is creating pet bottle collection cages to provide the city with aesthetics and respect for nature in order to leave a livable city for future generations. Mayor Dinçer stated, “Sensitivity in recycling will sustain our future generations.” Aksaray …

President Dinçer: “Sensitivity in recycling will sustain our future generations.”
Publish: 25.07.2024

Aksaray Municipality is creating pet bottle collection cages to provide aesthetics and respect for nature in the city, aiming to leave a livable city for future generations. Mayor Dinçer stated, “Sensitivity in recycling sustains our future generations.” Aksaray Municipality has implemented projects in previous years aimed at preventing waste, utilizing resources more efficiently, and separating waste at the source when it occurs, such as clothing donation bins, zero waste collection areas, and battery collection points. The waste obtained from these projects, implemented under the Zero Waste campaign, is processed economically at the waste separation and disposal facility owned by Aksaray Municipality. With efforts to support the Zero Waste Project, Aksaray Municipality ensures the recycling of an average of 11 tons of pet bottles each month without them mixing into nature. With the pet bottle cages placed at busy points in the city, the goal is to recycle 15 tons of pet bottles monthly. Aksaray Municipality, which is cited as an example in zero waste management, is creating decorative collection areas for the collection of pet bottles without harming nature. The pet bottle collection cages designed in the shape of a ‘heart’ aim to raise awareness among citizens. As a pioneer of innovative projects, Aksaray Municipality will initially place pet bottle collection cages at 5 different locations. The locations for the pet bottle collection cages are determined to be in front of the Aksaray Governorship service building, in the garden of the Pyramid Cafe, which is one of Aksaray Municipality’s social facilities, in the garden of the intercity bus terminal, on the median in front of the Nora shopping center, and at Kent Park. Mayor Evren Dinçer stated that the success of Aksaray Municipality in zero waste management is due to the support and sensitivity of the citizens, and he also requested support from the citizens regarding the disposal of pet bottles into the collection cages instead of carelessly throwing them into nature. Mayor Dinçer emphasized that pet bottles should not be thrown into nature unconsciously, stating, “In our century, awareness about environmental pollution caused by excessive consumption and population growth worldwide has led to advancements in the recycling sector. As local governments, we strive to implement projects that meet the needs of the age in our city. Since the day we took office, we have made significant investments in Zero Waste and recycling. We are among the municipalities in our country that are cited as examples in this area. With the recycling projects we implement in our city, we contribute to recycling, protect our natural resources, and recover existing recyclable plastics into the economy. Most importantly, we leave clean resources for future generations. As local governments, we believe that plastic is not waste but a recyclable raw material source, and that recycling has an indispensable place in our future. We are aware of the importance of efforts in this direction. It should not be forgotten that recycling 1 ton of plastic prevents the release of 41 kilograms of greenhouse gases into nature and saves 5,774 kilowatts of energy, which is an 80% energy saving. Sensitivity in recycling sustains our future generations. Our efforts in the field of recycling for our children and our future will continue to increase.

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