President Akın closely follows his education-focused projects

Turgutlu Mayor Çetin Akın, together with Deputy Mayor Evren Erbaş, visited the education-focused social projects they have brought to the city. Mayor Çetin Akın stated, “We will continue to be the biggest supporters of our students.” Turgutlu …

President Akın closely follows his education-focused projects
Publish: 25.07.2024
Updated: 18.08.2024 11:38

Turgutlu Mayor Çetin Akın, along with Vice Mayor Evren Erbaş, visited educational-focused social projects that have been established in the city. Mayor Çetin Akın stated, “We will continue to be the biggest supporters of our students.”

Mayor Çetin Akın and Vice Mayor Evren Erbaş visited the Mustafa Kemal Neighborhood and Albayrak Neighborhood Children’s Cultural Centers, which offer preschool education and a three-meal nutrition program for free, marking a first in Turkey. They met with the little ones and instructors at the centers. Mayor Çetin Akın, who was warmly welcomed by the children, also participated in the ashure event prepared by the students of Albayrak Neighborhood Children’s Cultural Art Center. The children, who learned how to make ashure, decorated the ashure they made together with Mayor Çetin Akın and Vice Mayor Evren Erbaş and distributed them to their neighbors.

“We will strive to expand this service to other neighborhoods”

Speaking at the Children’s Cultural Art Center, Mayor Çetin Akın said, “We have brought our project, which is exemplary for Turkey, to the Mustafa Kemal Neighborhood first, and the Albayrak Neighborhood second. In our Mustafa Kemal Neighborhood Children’s Cultural Center, we have served approximately 700 children over a period of 2 years. We provide free meals and education. Our children receive wonderful education both in terms of learning and maintaining our traditions. We are happy to implement such social projects. In the future, we will strive to expand this service to other neighborhoods as well.”

Preference Center attracts students’ attention

Turgutlu Mayor Çetin Akın, along with Vice Mayor Evren Erbaş, visited the preference center established for university candidate students at the old municipality building and met with students.

As part of the University Preference Center project implemented by Turgutlu Municipality for students who will make university preferences, free consultancy services continue to be offered. Mayor Çetin Akın visited the preference center set up at the Old Municipality Building. He met with the preference advisor from Istanbul Aydın University, university candidate youth, and their families, discussing their preferences and future plans with the young people.

Turgutlu Mayor Çetin Akın stated, “We visited our preference center established to support university candidate youth during the preference period and met with our young people and our preference advisor. We will continue to be the biggest supporters of our students who take an important step for their future by making their university preferences.”

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