Fatih Erbakan’s response to the USA regarding ‘Netanyahu’: “A shameful display of cowardice on behalf of humanity”

The General President of the New Welfare Party, Fatih Erbakan, reacted to Netanyahu being hosted in the US Congress, stating, “The display of disgrace exhibited in the US Congress is shameful for humanity; it clearly reveals their true faces and savage mentalities…”

Fatih Erbakan’s response to the USA regarding ‘Netanyahu’: “A shameful display of cowardice on behalf of humanity”
Publish: 25.07.2024

The leader of the New Welfare Party, Fatih Erbakan, reacted to Netanyahu being hosted in the US Congress by stating, “The display of baseness exhibited in the US Congress is disgraceful for humanity, and it clearly reveals their true faces and savage mentality.”

The leader of the New Welfare Party, Dr. Fatih Erbakan, harshly criticized the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is responsible for the deaths of 40 thousand Palestinians, mostly women and children, for speaking in the US Congress and receiving a standing ovation through a post on his social media accounts.

“The killer of 1 million civilians in Iraq, the USA, did not surprise anyone”
In his statement, Erbakan noted that every incident reminds him of the words of the late Prime Minister Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan regarding Zionism, saying, “No sensible person would be surprised by the applause for a genocidaire in the Congress of the USA, which is filled with historical crimes of genocide and recently led to the deaths of 1 million civilians in Iraq. Every incident we experience reminds us of our late teacher Erbakan’s struggle against Zionism and its collaborators, and his challenges to the USA and Zionism.”

“A disgraceful display of baseness for humanity”
Erbakan emphasized that the statements about the USA being at the service of Zionism have once again proven to be correct, stating, “The display of baseness exhibited in the US Congress is disgraceful for humanity, and it clearly reveals their true faces and savage mentality. It has been once again confirmed how right we are when we say that the USA cannot be our ally and strategic partner, as it is at the service of Zionism.”

“We invite the fools who seek help from this mentality to wake up”
Touching on the importance of the unity of Muslim countries, namely the D-60 goal, Erbakan stated, “It has become clear how vital our thesis of ‘We must definitely reach the D-60 goal as Turkey’ is. As members of the National View, we say, ‘What do we care about America, what do we care about America!’ and we invite the fools who still seek help from this mentality to wake up from their deep slumber as soon as possible.”

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