Extensive works in the city from Süleymanpaşa

Süleymanpaşa Municipality continues its road initiative at many points in the city without slowing down, while simultaneously carrying out works such as the maintenance and repair of urban furniture and improvements in parks. Süleymanpaşa Municipality Technical…

Extensive works in the city from Süleymanpaşa
Publish: 25.07.2024

Süleymanpaşa Municipality continues its road initiatives at many points in the city without slowing down, while simultaneously carrying out works such as maintenance and repair of urban furniture and improvements in parks.

Teams affiliated with the Department of Science Affairs of Süleymanpaşa Municipality are carrying out road opening, road construction, maintenance, and repair works in six neighborhoods. While asphalt repairs that started in Aydoğdu Neighborhood continue, repairs and arrangements for the damaged cobblestones are being made in Çiftlikönü Neighborhood.

Additionally, the cobblestone road on Çekirdek Bayırı Street in Ortacami Neighborhood, which had become unusable, has been corrected, and cobblestone repairs on Alaaddin Üçel Street have been completed. The faulty lighting units and broken bollards on Kolordu Avenue have also been maintained and made operational. In Bahçelievler Neighborhood, after the completion of the road opening works on 3747 Street, material was laid for ground stabilization, and the faulty lights on the coastal walking path in Kumbağ Neighborhood were repaired.

The teams from the Parks and Gardens Department have completed arrangement and painting works in Alparslan Türkeş Park in Çiftlikönü Neighborhood and Fikret Yılmaz Park in Barbaros Neighborhood. Environmental arrangements were made in Azerbaijan Brotherhood Park and Kırcaali Park in 100th Year Neighborhood, cleaning of parks on Bağlar Yurdu Avenue in Atatürk Neighborhood, environmental arrangements for Fevzi Aytekin Park in Namık Kemal Neighborhood and İbrahim Müteferrika Park in Ertuğrul Neighborhood, and decorations for the new square introduced to Kumbağ Neighborhood were carried out.

Ferhadanlı Neighborhood is ready for the festival.

Additionally, before the upcoming Watermelon Festival, various works such as grass cutting, environmental arrangement, and cleaning of water channels have been completed throughout Ferhadanlı Neighborhood, preparing it to host thousands of visitors. Arrangement works have also begun on the stairs at the junction of Değirmenaltı-Alkaya Coastal Road. Finally, the cleaning of two buildings that were damaged in a recent fire was carried out by the Cleaning Affairs Directorate teams.

“We have mobilized all our resources, we are working”

Evaluating the simultaneous works carried out by the teams from the Departments of Science Affairs, Cleaning Affairs, and Parks and Gardens throughout Süleymanpaşa, Mayor Volkan Nallar stated in his remarks, “Our teams are spread all over our city and continue their work without regard to working hours. I would like to sincerely thank my hardworking colleagues who have not let us down since we took office, working selflessly day and night, and my directors and vice presidents who allow us to serve our city in an orderly manner by planning our intense schedules. We will complete our works in neighborhoods and streets that require urgent solutions by the end of the summer and hand them over to our citizens. I would also like to express my gratitude to our valuable citizens for their patience and understanding during this process. We dedicate all our time and energy to serve Süleymanpaşa, which deserves the best of everything, we have mobilized all our resources, we are working, and we are on the field.”

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