They came from Kosovo to Istanbul for an organ transplant: He regained his health thanks to his wife’s sacrifice
A 44-year-old patient who came from Kosovo regained her health thanks to her husband’s sacrifice. Hatmane Dina, who donated her kidney to her husband, said, “I didn’t hesitate at all. I was the one who offered as soon as we received the first news.” In Kosovo, a …

A 44-year-old patient who came from Kosovo regained his health thanks to the sacrifice of his wife. Hatmane Dina, who donated her kidney to her husband, said, “I did not hesitate at all. I was the one who offered as soon as we received the first news.”
About a year and a half ago, Xhemajl Dina, a father of three who works as a chef at a company in Kosovo, was diagnosed with kidney failure. As his condition required him to undergo dialysis, Dina traveled to Istanbul with his wife Hatmane Dina (42). The couple applied to the Organ Transplant Center of Biruni University Hospital, where they underwent an organ transplant operation performed by General Surgery Specialist Halil Erbiş and his team. Following the successful surgery, Xhemajl Dina regained his health.
“Not everyone can do this”
Speaking after his surgery, Xhemajl Dina said, “I married my wife in 2007. We have two daughters and a son. I have been working as a chef in a company for 8 years. I was diagnosed with this disease a year and a half ago. I was not very upset when I first learned about it. Because it is a disease that comes from God. The doctors in Kosovo told me that there was no need to rush. I waited for a year and a half. I came to Istanbul to get my treatment without waiting any longer. I am very happy that my wife gave me her kidney. Not everyone can do this. We talked as a family. Some had diabetes and hypertension. No one was in a position to donate. Only my wife could help me. I thank her.”
“I did not hesitate at all”
Hatmane Dina, who donated her kidney to her husband, said, “I feel very good and I am happy. I did not hesitate at all. I was the one who offered as soon as we received the first news. It was not my husband. It makes me happy that my husband is well.”
“Wife came to the rescue”
Providing information about the operation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Erbiş stated, “We prepared quickly for the surgery. We performed it in a short time. He was a patient with kidney failure. He was weak. Just as he was about to be connected to dialysis, his wife came to the rescue. It was a successful operation. The patient is in a condition to be discharged. His condition is quite good. He is urinating normally. He does not have to restrict his water and food intake. He will go back to his hometown from here.”