The number of works returned has reached 12,139.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced that 19 artifacts were returned in 2024. Thus, the number of artifacts returned to Turkey since 2002 has reached 12,139, and since 2018, it has reached 7,823.

The number of works returned has reached 12,139.
Publish: 21.07.2024

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced that the return of 19 artifacts was achieved in 2024. Thus, the number of artifacts returned to Turkey since 2002 has reached 12,139, and since 2018, it has reached 7,823.

According to the statement made by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the year 2024 was marked by significant contributions to Turkey’s historical and cultural heritage through artifact return efforts. The statement noted that artifacts returned from England, Italy, and the United States (USA) have been reintegrated into Turkey’s cultural treasure.

Mustafa Dede’s Quran
It was stated in the announcement that the Quran, which was put up for sale in England in 2017 and was transcribed by Mustafa Dede, was identified as having been illegally smuggled out of our country and was returned to Turkey. “This artifact, which was part of Sultan II. Abdülhamit’s collection, was secured on April 5, 2023, at the Istanbul Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts,” it was stated.

Bronze Emperor Statue Originating from the Boubon Ancient City
In the announcement, it was noted that the bronze emperor statue, which was auctioned by Christie’s in New York in 2011, was illegally removed from Turkey. “This was revealed as a result of an investigation conducted by the USA and Turkey. Contact was made with the person who held the artifact, evidence was presented, and the collector, who became aware of the statue’s illegal origin through this method, exhibited a good faith approach and accepted that the artifact belonged to the Republic of Turkey. The statue was returned to our country and was introduced to the public at the Antalya Museum on February 2, 2024,” the statement read.

Korean Torso of Miletus Origin
The announcement indicated that the marble Korean torso, which was offered for sale at Christie’s auction house in 2021, was determined to be of Turkish origin as a result of expert examinations and was returned. The artifact was secured at the Ankara Museum of Anatolian Civilizations on January 26, 2024.

11 Baked Clay Artifacts Returned from Italy
In the ministry’s statement, it was noted that within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Florence Prosecutor’s Office, 11 baked clay artifacts determined to belong to Turkey were delivered to Turkey’s Embassy in Rome on January 24, 2024, after scientific reports and legal processes were completed. Additionally, it was reported that the number of artifacts returned to Turkey since 2002 has reached 12,139, and since 2018, it has reached 7,823. Thanks to the meticulous efforts of the ministry and international collaborations, Turkey’s historical and cultural values have once again been reintegrated into the country’s history. The artifacts returned this year will continue to be exhibited in prestigious institutions such as the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, the Antalya Museum, and the Ankara Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.

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