President Çolakbayrakdar: “We are working for a greener Kayseri”

Kocasinan Municipality; with its nursery, which is affiliated with the Parks and Gardens Directorate, is the largest production and logistics base for plant material supply in Turkey, with over 325 species of potted trees and a capacity of more than 500,000 plants…

President Çolakbayrakdar: “We are working for a greener Kayseri”
Publish: 21.07.2024

Kocasinan Municipality hosts Turkey’s largest production and logistics nursery, with a capacity of over 325 types of potted trees and more than 500 thousand plants, operated under the Parks and Gardens Directorate. Mayor Çolakbayrakdar stated that they will be planting tens of thousands of trees as part of the tree planting season, saying, “Our aim is to make Kocasinan and Kayseri more beautiful and greener.”
Emphasizing that trees suitable for the Kayseri climate are grown in the nursery connected to the Parks and Gardens Directorate in the Oruçreis Neighborhood, Mayor Çolakbayrakdar highlighted that they continue to green every corner of the district to build a greener Kocasinan. He pointed out that they have increased the amount of green space per person in Kocasinan to more than double the world standards, stating, “We are continuing to change and beautify Kocasinan. While we plant saplings and trees all over our district, we are also making our parks colorful with various plants. Our teams under the Parks and Gardens Directorate produce trees and shrub types of plants and seasonal flowers in our nurseries. The nurseries in the Oruçreis and Gömeç regions are functioning like a plant production center, and infrastructure and renovation works are rapidly ongoing; they are established on a total area of 50 thousand square meters and contain more than 500 thousand plants including trees, shrub-type plants, medicinal and aromatic plants, and indoor flowers. In addition to all this, a plant substrate production facility covering an area of 10 thousand square meters produces 1000 cubic meters of plant substrate daily. The Soil Production Facility (Plant Substrate Production Facility), which produces fertile soil for landscaping from excavation soil, has a daily production capacity of 1000 cubic meters. We provide significant contributions to both the Kayseri and Turkish economies with the plants we grow in our nurseries. We carry out suitable flowering activities in spring, summer, autumn, and winter throughout the district. We will continue to work tirelessly for a greener and more vibrant Kayseri,” he stated.
Mayor Çolakbayrakdar added that the efforts to green Kayseri and enhance its aesthetic beauty will continue to increase.

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