25% decrease in housing sales

In Erzurum, 637 housing sales were made in June, consisting of 69 mortgage sales and 558 sales through other means. Compared to June 2023, mortgage sales decreased by 62.90%, while other sales showed a decrease of 14.71%. TURKSTAT 2024 …

25% decrease in housing sales
Publish: 20.07.2024

In Erzurum, 69 mortgage and 558 other types of sales were made, totaling 637 housing sales in June. Compared to June 2023, mortgage sales decreased by 62.90%, while other sales decreased by 14.71%.

TÜİK released the housing sales statistics for provinces in June 2024. It was announced that 637 houses changed hands in Erzurum during the month. Erzurum ranked 27th in the country and 2nd in the region, following Elazığ, in terms of housing sales performance for the month of June. In the region, Erzurum ranked 1st in the number of mortgage sales and 2nd in other sales types.

Erzurum June 2024 Data

According to TÜİK data, 69 mortgages and 558 other types resulted in a total of 637 housing sales in Erzurum in June. Compared to June 2023, mortgage sales decreased by 62.90%, while other sales decreased by 14.71%. The overall decline in total sales was calculated at 25.23%.

First and Second-Hand Housing Sales in Erzurum

Of the 637 houses sold in Erzurum in June, 200 were first-hand and 437 were second-hand. First-hand sales constituted 31.39% of total sales, while second-hand sales accounted for 68.6%. Compared to June 2023, first-hand sales decreased by 28.31%, and second-hand sales decreased by 23.73%.

Erzurum June 2023 Data

In June 2023, a total of 852 housing units were sold in Erzurum, with 186 mortgages and 666 other sales. In the previous year, 279 of the 852 houses sold were first-hand, and 573 were second-hand, with first-hand sales making up 32.74% of the total sales.

Regional Data

According to evaluations recorded by DOSİAD Research Center based on TÜİK data, in June, 637 houses were sold in Erzurum, 930 in total in the KUDAKA Statistical Region, 1,489 in the Northeast Anatolia Statistical Region, and 3,681 in the Eastern Anatolia Region.

Erzurum’s Housing Sales Share

Based on calculations recorded by DOSİAD Research Center from TÜİK data, the number of houses sold in Erzurum in June accounted for 68.49% of total sales in the KUDAKA Statistical Region, 42.78% in the Northeast Anatolia Statistical Region, and 16.0% in the Eastern Anatolia Region.

Erzurum Ranked 27th

Erzurum ranked 27th in the high housing sales ranking among Turkish provinces. The provinces with the highest number of housing sales were; Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Bursa, Mersin, Gaziantep, Kocaeli, Balıkesir, Konya, Adana, Kayseri, Tekirdağ, Aydın, Şanlıurfa, Samsun, Diyarbakır, Sakarya, Muğla, Manisa, Eskişehir, Denizli, Yalova, Hatay, Elazığ, Çanakkale, Erzurum, Mardin, Kahramanmaraş, and Afyonkarahisar.

Erzurum 21st in Mortgage Sales

Erzurum ranked 21st in the number of mortgage sales among Turkish provinces. The provinces with the highest number of mortgage sales were Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Kocaeli, Tekirdağ, Antalya, Mersin, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Manisa, Adana, Kayseri, Balıkesir, Diyarbakır, Samsun, Denizli, Aydın, Konya, Sakarya, Erzurum, Muğla, Şanlıurfa, Çorum, and Çanakkale.

Other Sales

In the category of other types of sales, Erzurum ranked 28th. The provinces with the highest sales in this category were; Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Izmir, Mersin, Bursa, Gaziantep, Konya, Balıkesir, Kocaeli, Adana, Kayseri, Aydın, Tekirdağ, Şanlıurfa, Samsun, Sakarya, Muğla, Diyarbakır, Manisa, Eskişehir, Yalova, Denizli, Hatay, Elazığ, Çanakkale, Mardin, Erzurum, Kahramanmaraş, and Afyonkarahisar.

Regional Provinces Housing Sales Numbers

In the June 2024 period, 353 houses were sold in Malatya, 717 in Elazığ, 637 in Erzurum, 519 in Van, 249 in Erzincan, 126 in Bingöl, 230 in Kars, 199 in Bitlis, 199 in Ağrı, 238 in Muş, 96 in Iğdır, 44 in Tunceli, 34 in Ardahan, and 40 in Hakkari.

Housing Sales Decreased by 5.2% in June

Mortgage housing sales decreased by 49.4%. Nationwide, housing sales in June decreased by 5.2% compared to the same month of the previous year, totaling 79,313.

The Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) announced the ‘Housing Sales Statistics’ for June 2024. According to this, housing sales across Turkey totaled 79,313 in June, representing a 5.2% decrease compared to the same month the previous year. The provinces with the highest number of housing sales were Istanbul with 13,025, Ankara with 6,866, and Izmir with 4,361, while the provinces with the fewest sales were Ardahan with 34, Hakkari with 40, Tunceli with 44, and Bayburt.

Housing Sales Decreased by 3.7% from January to June

Housing sales from January to June showed a 3.7% decrease compared to the same period the previous year, totaling 545,074.

Mortgage Housing Sales Reached 6,813

Nationwide mortgage housing sales in June showed a decrease of 49.4% compared to the same month the previous year, totaling 6,813. The share of mortgage sales in total housing sales was 8.6%. Mortgage housing sales from January to June decreased by 57.7% compared to the same period the previous year, totaling 51,415.

In June, 1,547 of the mortgage sales were first-hand, while 12,176 of the mortgage sales from January to June were first-hand.

Other Sales Resulted in 72,500 Housing Transactions

Nationwide, other housing sales in June increased by 3.3% compared to the same month of the previous year, totaling 72,500. Other sales accounted for 91.4% of total housing sales. The other housing sales from January to June saw an increase of 11.1% compared to the same period last year, totaling 493,659.

First-Hand Housing Sales Numbered 25,425

The number of first-hand housing sales across Turkey in June decreased by 1.8% compared to the same month the previous year, totaling 25,425. First-hand housing sales constituted 32.1% of total housing sales. From January to June, first-hand housing sales increased by 1.3% compared to the same period the previous year, totaling 173,324.

Second-Hand Housing Sales Totaled 53,888

Second-hand housing sales across Turkey in June decreased by 6.7% compared to the same month the previous year, totaling 53,888. Second-hand housing sales constituted 67.9% of total housing sales. From January to June, second-hand housing sales totaled 371,750, reflecting a 5.8% decrease compared to the same period the previous year.

1,440 Housing Sales Occurred to Foreigners in June

Housing sales to foreigners in June decreased by 45.1% compared to the same month the previous year, totaling 1,440. The share of housing sales to foreigners in total housing sales in June was 1.8%. The provinces with the highest number of housing sales to foreigners were Antalya with 593, Istanbul with 478, and Mersin with 116. Housing sales to foreigners from January to June decreased by 45.7% compared to the same period last year, totaling 10,461.

According to nationality, the highest number of housing sales was made to citizens of the Russian Federation.

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