The enthusiasm of the ‘Ergan Mountain Outdoor Sports Festival’ will be experienced in Erzincan this weekend.

The promotion meeting of the Ergan Mountain Sports Festival, which will be held at the Ergan Mountain Ski Resort between July 19-21, was chaired by Erzincan Deputy Governor/Provincial Special Secretary Mehmet Emre Canpolat. The Erzincan Provincial Administration…

The enthusiasm of the ‘Ergan Mountain Outdoor Sports Festival’ will be experienced in Erzincan this weekend.
Publish: 18.07.2024

The introduction meeting of the Ergan Mountain Nature Sports Festival, which will take place at the Ergan Mountain Ski Resort between July 19-21, was held under the chairmanship of Erzincan Deputy Governor/District Secretary General Mehmet Emre Canpolat.

Attending the Ergan Mountain Nature Sports Festival introduction meeting held at the Erzincan Provincial Administration hall were Erzincan Deputy Governor/District Secretary General Mehmet Emre Canpolat, Provincial General Assembly President Mehmet Cavit Şireci, Youth and Sports Provincial Director Volkan Burak Mumcu, Culture Provincial Director Oğuzhan Yılmaz, AFAD Provincial Director Cengiz Çavuş, relevant institution directors and officers, as well as club representatives.

“There is also a very big motorcycle festival on August 30”

Providing information about the festival to be held over the weekend, Erzincan Youth and Sports Provincial Director Volkan Burak Mumcu said, “Off-road races were held last week. There is also a very big motorcycle festival on August 30. Here, representatives of the motorcycle club, off-road club, and parachute club are present, and we will discuss to identify and address any shortcomings together. We want to see our shortcomings here, then improve upon them and progress. We invite approximately 1,500 motorcyclists to the festival we will hold on August 30. We will accommodate all our participants in our dormitories. There will be concerts. We will have fuel support. Additionally, on August 30, our parachutists will have a 1-week world championship. Let them see the activities we will organize in our parachute club this week so that we can promote Erzincan in the competitions we will do together. We, as the Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate, are organizing very nice activities. Our Provincial Administration is very helpful to us. Our primary goal here is to promote our Ergan Mountain Ski Resort.” he said.

“We will have the ‘Set up your tent and come’ event”

In his speech, Erzincan Deputy Governor/District Secretary General Mehmet Emre Canpolat said, “Under the instructions of our Governor Hamza Aydoğdu, we have done very nice things at our Ergan Mountain Ski Resort. We have been the contractor for all the festivals we have done and will do in the future. We provided their meals. There will be much nicer things in the future. Last week, there was an off-road overnight event at the Ergan Mountain Ski Resort. I thank our Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate, which contributed to the event, and all other institutions that provided support. This weekend, we will have the ‘Set up your tent and come’ event. There will be water sports, paragliding, car sports motocross, and other activities. There will also be a concert by the artist Emre Fel over the weekend. We expect a very high turnout. On that day at our Ergan Mountain Ski Resort, 400 tents will be set up.” he stated.

Continuing his speech with an announcement, Erzincan Deputy Governor/District Secretary General Mehmet Emre Canpolat mentioned that work is being done to modernize the off-road track that was done last week and merge it with the motorcycle track, and that the contract is in the process of being signed.

The Ergan Mountain Nature Sports Festival, which will take place over the weekend, will feature on Saturday a paragliding target competition, paragliding free flight, motocross race, water sports activity on the lake, archery and shooting activities, and an Emre Fel concert. On Sunday, starting with a morning nature walk, the event will include the 2nd stage of the paragliding target competition, paragliding free flights, water sports, archery, shooting, tug of war, and rock climbing under the free time activities. The event will conclude with motocross show and award ceremony.

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