An event was organized in Muş to commemorate the ‘July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day’.

Various events were organized by the Muş Governorship within the framework of the ‘July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day’. The Muş Governorship organized a program for July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day. In the program held at the City Square, first, the national anthem was sung, followed by a moment of silence and a recitation of the Quran. Governor Seddar Yavuz made a speech emphasizing the importance of unity and solidarity. The program continued with a documentary screening about the July 15 coup attempt and ended with a mini-concert.

An event was organized in Muş to commemorate the ‘July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day’.
Publish: 16.07.2024

Various events were organized by the Muş Governorship within the framework of the ‘July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day’. The Muş Governorship organized a program for the July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day. In the program held at the City Square, firstly, an exhibition themed on July 15 was visited. The program, where a moment of silence was observed, continued with the recitation of the National Anthem. A live speech by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan regarding the ‘July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day’ was broadcasted on the screen for the citizens gathered in the square. The citizens gathered in the square became united with one voice, carrying Turkish flags in their hands. During the program, Muş Governor Avni Çakır made a speech, stating that those who have been trying to weaken the country with terrorism for 40 years made their final move on the night of July 15 eight years ago. He mentioned the treacherous FETÖ leader who orchestrated bombings on the Presidency Complex, the Grand National Assembly, the Special Operations Headquarters, and the Ankara Provincial Security Directorate with the command from outside, as well as the coup plotters who advanced by crushing everyone in their path with tanks and armored vehicles in the streets of Ankara and Istanbul. Governor Çakır emphasized the heroic resistance of the Turkish nation on the night of July 15, where people of all ages and genders flocked to airports, bridges, and squares against tanks and bullets, protecting their country, resulting in 250 martyrs and hundreds of wounded, thwarting the coup attempt and giving the necessary response to those hoping for chaos in our country. Governor Çakır expressed, ‘July 15 is by no means an ordinary coup attempt. It is a historical turning point with significant calculations behind it, which would have led us to entirely different paths as a country and nation if successful. In other words, whatever happened in Malazgirt, Çanakkale, and the War of Independence happened on July 15. Whatever we faced in almost uninterrupted struggle against terrorism throughout the Republic’s history happened on July 15. In short, July 15 is the final link in the chain of struggles for existence and survival we have experienced for centuries on these lands.’ AK Party Muş Deputy Mehmet Emin Şimşek stated that the terrorist organization and its members attempted to divide Turkey on July 15, saying, ‘Our citizens said: if it’s about the homeland, the flag, the call to prayer, we will not allow our country to be divided. Millions of people took to the streets upon the call of our President. Our citizens laid in front of tanks without blinking an eye, becoming targets for bullets and planes without hesitation. We lost 249 martyrs that day. May their souls rest in peace.’ Following the successful Flag Run competition, awards were presented to the athletes, and videos related to July 15 were shown, followed by a performance by the Mehteran Team affiliated with the Muş Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate. The program continued with the recitation of poems, performance of folk songs by the Muş Divan Team, and recitation of the Holy Quran, ending with the call to prayer being recited in all mosques in the city at 00:13. Attending the program were Governor Çakır’s wife Bahar Çakır, Chief Public Prosecutor Hüseyin Kantar, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Colonel Mehmet Kasım Ermiş, Provincial Police Chief Serkan Karaman, AK Party Provincial Chairman Melik Emre, mayors, representatives of civil society organizations, institution heads, and citizens.

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