15 July Democracy and National Unity Day in Ahlat

A program was organized in the district of Ahlat in Bitlis on the occasion of July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day. The program started with a flag march from the Ahlat District Governorship. The crowd, marching with a giant Turkish flag, frequently chanted ‘Martyrs do not die, the homeland will not be divided…

15 July Democracy and National Unity Day in Ahlat
Publish: 16.07.2024

A program was organized in the district of Ahlat in Bitlis on the occasion of July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day. The program started with a flag march from the Ahlat District Governorship. The crowd, marching with a giant Turkish flag, frequently chanted slogans such as ‘Martyrs Never Die, Homeland Will Not Be Divided’. Following the march, the program continued in the upper bazaar square of the district with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem. Ahlat District Governor Batuhan Bingöl, who gave a speech, stated, ‘July 15 is a historic day that once again demonstrated to the whole world the indivisible integrity of our homeland, the determination and solidarity of our nation, and a lesson to the societies and states of the world. In the face of the treacherous coup attempt by the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization, our people filled the streets, squares, and airports, standing against the barrels, tanks, helicopters, and planes, and thwarted this heinous attempt. That night, this heroic nation prevented a major invasion attempt and once again taught a historic lesson to those who wanted to abandon the sacred homeland to the Crusader invasion. With a signal from our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, hundreds of thousands, millions took to the streets and demonstrated the will of the Turkish nation, standing by their leader as if becoming giants.’ Ahlat Mayor Yavuz Gülmez, on the other hand, stated that they gathered here today to condemn the FETÖ curse that tried to seize the state by disregarding the will of the people and infiltrating the state’s capillaries eight years ago, and to commemorate the martyrs and veterans who risked their lives to thwart this ominous coup attempt. He said, ‘On the night of July 15, 2016, our noble nation, showing exemplary sagacity, once again, shielded itself against guns, tanks, and planes, and thwarted the treacherous FETÖ coup attempt, which appeared to be from us but was entirely under the control of foreign powers. With just a single word from our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, our revered nation cornered the coup plotters on the streets, avenues, airports, and even some military areas where the traitors sought refuge, and by the grace of Allah, once again granted us victory over the traitors. We must enhance our historical consciousness, elevate our national and spiritual values, and crown our unity and solidarity. To achieve this, we must respond to those who seek to carry out any treacherous attempts against our homeland by standing upright, resisting, and not forgetting. On this occasion, I extend my condolences to the martyrs who defended their homeland at the cost of their lives on the night of July 15, 2016, patience to their loved ones, and wish health and well-being to our veterans, and entrust you all to Allah.’ The program continued with the recitation of the Quran, prayers, and hymns. Subsequently, there were video screenings and poetry readings by students. The July 15 program continued with the recitation of the Mevlid. Various government officials and a large number of citizens attended the program.

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