Summer warning for pregnant women

Obstetrician and Gynecologist Prof. Dr. Faruk Buyru warned pregnant women about summer. Buyru, stating that pregnant women are more affected by the heat, used the words ‘We recommend swimming in the sea or suitable pools for pregnant women during summer’. …

Summer warning for pregnant women
Publish: 14.07.2024

Obstetrician and Gynecologist Prof. Dr. Faruk Buyru warned pregnant women about the summer. Buyru, stating that pregnant women are more affected by heat, used the phrase ‘We recommend swimming in the sea or suitable pools for pregnant women in summer.’

Obstetrician and Gynecologist Prof. Dr. Faruk Buyru warned pregnant women that they are more affected by hot weather due to some changes related to pregnancy. Buyru pointed out that hormonal and physiological changes due to pregnancy, weight gain, increased blood flow, decreased respiratory capacity, increased heart rate, and increased sensitivity to heat and humidity are some of the reasons for this.

‘Avoid going outside during peak sun hours’
Prof. Dr. Faruk Buyru advised pregnant women to avoid synthetic tight clothing to prevent them from being affected by heat, stating, ‘Linen, cotton, and loose clothing should be worn. At least 2 liters of liquid should be consumed, taking a warm shower, and avoiding going outside as much as possible during the peak sun hours between 11-16.’

‘Pregnant women should avoid sugary and fizzy drinks’
Prof. Buyru emphasized that pregnant women should avoid sugary and fizzy drinks in the summer, stating, ‘The quality of the liquid is as important as the quantity consumed. Avoiding sugary and fizzy drinks and preferably meeting the liquid requirement with beverages such as water, soda, slightly salty buttermilk, lightly sweetened lemonade would be appropriate. Even tea can be consumed for this purpose. Pregnant women should eat frequently but in small amounts as always, stay away from carbohydrates and salt as much as possible.’

‘We recommend swimming in the sea or suitable pools for pregnant women in summer’
Buyru also highlighted the importance of pregnant women using sunscreen, stating, ‘If expectant mothers will sunbathe, we recommend using sunscreens with protection factors to avoid feeling the harmful, ultraviolet effects of the sun. Exercise should not be neglected in summer during pregnancy. They can exercise in a cool and low-humidity environment in the gym. In addition, if pregnant women have the opportunity, we recommend swimming in the sea or suitable pools in the summer. Pregnant women should not refrain from this due to the risk of contracting germs or infections. They should only change their swimsuits after getting out of the sea or a clean pool to reduce the risk of infection and sit with a dry swimsuit. Also, walking in the morning or after sunset can be recommended. Walking for 30-40 minutes every other day helps balance weight gain and is beneficial for preparing for childbirth.’

‘Hot weather does not adversely affect IVF treatment’
Prof. Dr. Faruk Buyru, who stated that he frequently encounters questions about whether having surgery or undergoing IVF treatment in hot weather is harmful, said, ‘Patients undergoing treatment for infertility or those needing surgery often ask, ‘Will the summer heat adversely affect my surgery or treatment?’ This is an incorrect way of thinking. There is no seasonal difference in this regard. The heat does not have adverse effects. Moreover, the laboratory and operating room are places where the internal environment is established and balanced according to a certain temperature and humidity level. Operating rooms or laboratories are adjusted to a certain temperature level year-round to prevent infections. Therefore, hot weather does not adversely affect IVF treatments or surgeries.’

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