Summer cultural art schools have started in Esenyurt.
Summer culture and art schools have started in Esenyurt. Esenyurt Mayor, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Özer, who spoke at the opening program, said, ‘We are a city that raises artists, scientists, writers, journalists, politicians, contributing great values to the country …

Summer culture and art schools have started in Esenyurt. Speaking at the opening program, Esenyurt Mayor Prof. Dr. Ahmet Özer said, ‘We want Esenyurt to be a place that produces painters, scientists, writers, journalists, politicians, and adds great value to the country. That’s why I attach great importance to culture and art. One of our most important mottos is to make Esenyurt the capital of culture and art.’ Esenyurt Municipality’s Department of Culture Affairs has started the Summer Schools offering education in 21 different branches at 21 different cultural centers. Mayor Prof. Dr. Ahmet Özer inaugurated the courses where 4,900 children aged between 8-14 will receive education in various fields such as Turkish, mathematics, robotics coding, music, painting, drama, and other science and art disciplines. Mayor Özer, who visited each classroom at the Yunus Balta Cultural Center’s opening program, joined the students in their first lessons. At the end of the program, the students presented a portrait of Nazım Hikmet to Prof. Özer.
Stressing the importance of culture and art, Özer stated that they will advance Esenyurt in the fields of culture, art, and education. He said, ‘Families in our country value their children’s education. Especially women say, ‘I will sweep the floor to educate my child. There is nothing I won’t do for my child’s future.’ Then, as a state, we have social responsibilities to fulfill. Unfortunately, these are a bit lacking today. As a municipality, we have to fill the gaps left by the social state because these children are our future. If we take care of them, we will live in a better Esenyurt and a better Turkey. We have strengths, but unfortunately, we also have negatives. We want to be known as a place that produces painters, scientists, and writers who contribute greatly to the country, not for the negatives. That’s why we need to start working from today. If we start working today, we will only reap the benefits twenty years later. That’s why I attach great importance to culture and art since the day I took office. One of our most important mottos is to make Esenyurt the ‘capital of culture and art.’ Together, we will achieve this.’
‘The trainings will greatly contribute to our children’s self-realization’ Mayor Özer, stating that the trainings provided will contribute to the future of the children, continued, ‘These trainings will greatly help our children to realize themselves and progress in the field they want to be in the future. What is done today is the first stitches for our children to grow up and become beneficial citizens to their families, cities, nations, people, country, and state twenty years later. We are collectively taking care of our future. I congratulate our families. As your Mayor, I want to express that I will always be by your side.’
‘Our effort is to raise new Nazım Hikmets, Yaşar Kemals’ Expressing his happiness upon receiving a Nazım Hikmet portrait drawn by a municipal trainee, Mayor Özer said, ‘The name Nazım Hikmet has been banned in the cultural center for 21 years. As soon as I came, we gave the name of the great poet Nazım Hikmet back to the cultural center. In his memory, I proudly accept this beautiful photo of the trainee. I will hang it in the most beautiful place in my office. Countries are remembered with their great writers, poets, literati, and scientists; not with their stones, lands, or giant towers. Today, wherever you ask about Nazım Hikmet in the world, if you say Turkey, they will mention Nazım Hikmet. The foundation of our effort is to raise new Nazım Hikmets, Yaşar Kemals in this country. Let me give you some good news, next week five hundred artists from thirty-five countries are coming. We will have an international festival for a week. Then we will have a Peace and Brotherhood Festival, followed by a Literature Festival. Together, we will fill in the ‘Capital of Culture and Art’ motto.’